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[HELP] Importing from a .csv file

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Hi everyone!

I will get straight to the point, I have a .csv file of thousands of articles and stuff and when I tried importing it myself I basically didn't get far over a long period of time.

The csv formats articles into following rows: ID;name;price;stock;category;name_of_the_file_for_the_picture;width;height;measurement_unit;manufacturer;alternative_IDs_of_manufacturer_weight

The problems I faced were:
- There's a bunch of categories and I will probably have to manually create them because one goes into another one and It's just way too complicated.
- A bunch of errors regarding the validation of strings for example the name of the article can have special characters therefor It just didn't work with them
- I basically haven't done it before and I'd be very glad if someone would guide me through it in the comment section below. I am just getting into prestashop but I have been on the web dev market for quite a while.
In hopes of solving the problem, thank you for taking your time to read this.
- a newbie
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