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[Solved] Change flag position on language selector block


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I'm using prestashop

I already made lots of translations with my shop, but i finally had to add one language (australian). 

Problem is that i'd like to reorganize the flags order in the frontend (i'd like the australian language to be just below the english language), and there is no solution througout backend (except erasing all, and re-create in good order id., which would ruin all my previous  translations works).

Any simple idea ?







Edited by superskyman100 (see edit history)
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Hi there,

The language table doesn't support the position field. So, you cannot change the language position from your back office. In your case, you can override function getLanguages of class Language (Language.php) , sort (change) position of the language in this array.



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Sorry i understand absolutely nothing......


some guys told me to modify this section in ps_languageselector.php


 foreach ($languages as &$lang) {
            $lang['name_simple'] = $this->getNameSimple($lang['name']);

and ordering the languages here by id......

But NO IDEA how i should do that i know nothing about programming




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Like in the prev message, you need to override function getLanguages in the class Language (Language.php) and put it in the folder: public_html/override/classes/Language.php. Please let me know your PS version. I will help you to create the file override.



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Thanks a lot Prestamonster for your help,

my PS is

in my point of view this sounds  really complicated... for instance i also have (the search is still on) 2 language.php files (at least) in my prestashop (inside the symphony folder)... 

Honestly i only need to change the language position in the language block on the front end, and nothing else... this is just for design / coherency purpose

Wouldn't it be simplier (and less risky) to make some little modifs in the ps_languageselector.php ??




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In case i just wanna the simple solution in ps_languageselector.php, should i code like that ?????.....


foreach ($languages as &$lang) {

$lang['name_simple'] = $this->getNameSimple($lang['name']);
$lang_en = array();
$lang_au = array();
$lang_other = array();



honestly i'm completey dumb about programming, i can just understand the general logics.....




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Hi there,

There are 2 ways:

1.  override function  getWidgetVariables() in the file ps_languageselector.php of module ps_languageselector

public function getWidgetVariables($hookName = null, array $configuration = [])
        $languages = Language::getLanguages(true, $this->context->shop->id);
        $lang_en = array();
        $lang_au = array();
        $lang_other = array();
        foreach ($languages as &$lang) {
            $lang['name_simple'] = $this->getNameSimple($lang['name']);
            if ($language['iso_code'] == 'en') {
                $lang_en[] = $lang;
            } else if ($language['iso_code'] == 'gb') {
                 $lang_au[] = $lang;
            } else {
                $lang_other[] = $lang;
        $languages = array_merge($lang_en, $lang_au, $lang_other);

        return array(
            'languages' => $languages,
            'current_language' => array(
                'id_lang' => $this->context->language->id,
                'name' => $this->context->language->name,
                'name_simple' => $this->getNameSimple($this->context->language->name)

2. Override function getLanguages of class getLanguage

unzip file attachment >> upload (via ftp, or cpanel) >> put it in public_html/override/classes/

For case 1: this code will be overriden if you upgrade module.

For case 2: It works fine in the case upgrade PS



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