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[Solved] SEO friendly htaccess problem

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When I enable the seo friendly urls in the preferences and then change the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess as required, I lose access to both the admin section and the store. I get server error messages saying the files can't be found.


Changing it back again to a txt file restores everything, so I'm not actually losing anything.


But I would like to use seo friendlies.


Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong.


Thanks/merci :)

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Ah yes, the problem is hinted at in your reply.


Here's the screenshot, which also includes my Apache modules menu.


I assume that as the rewrite module hasn't been activated, that is the start of the problem.


I will try and find out how to do this myself, or you can post instructions here. whichever comes first.


If I figure it out first, I'll post solution here.



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Embarrassingly easy.


If you haven't guessed by now I am not a programmer or a techie.


Anyway, turning on the rewrite rule is just a matter of selecting/highlighting the rewrite module in the apache menu and then you're done.


When I checked the apache sites on how to do this there was nothing this simple, just lots of warnings about how complex this module was.


In my usual click it and see approach, I just tried the above and now everything works as it should.





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  • 7 years later...

maaf saya mau tanya

saat mau masuk ke backoffice saya sudah memasukkan pass yang bener tapi tertulis staff tidak ditemukan atau passwordnya salah

saya sudah coba reset passwordnya tetep saja tidak berhasil

mohon pencerahaannya :))

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