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[Template]Grays v1.5- Prestashop 1.4

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C'est une belle conception qui inclut des fonctionnalités avancées telles que:

3d bannière entièrement géré par l'administrateur

Liens contact flottant, rss et plan du site

Animé TOP Button

Animés présentés production


jQuery animation Menu


Compatible avec Firefox, Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera IE9





update to ps 1.4.9



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Bonjour je viens d'acheter ce theme. Par contre j'aimerais faire quelques modifications .

1: supprimer complètement le logo et mettre en place une bannière

2: supprimer le menu de gauche ( menu avec 3 choix, rss contact et sitemap)


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est un module de mise à jour, peut-être qu’il veut la communauté, je lui ai proposé de supprimer le bloc apparaît dans le permalien tête

A pas compris !

voila pourquoi j'ai demander de l'aide dans le forum francophone ! lol

Mais bon ca avance

Le menu de gauche est desactiver via le module

Le logo est supprimer
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Then speak in english but my english is very bad

I want to center the menu ( cf screen )

Which files to edit to the links at the bottom of the page? I'm talking about links that are in "more info" and "new" in the footer

In prestashop 1.4 the modulke is BLockcms. you can edit in this block these links.
To center menu, edit css/globas.css fiel in theme folder and find:
div#wrapper-menu ul#nav li {

change margin-left: to a upper value
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Then speak in english but my english is very bad

I want to center the menu ( cf screen )

Which files to edit to the links at the bottom of the page? I'm talking about links that are in "more info" and "new" in the footer

In prestashop 1.4 the modulke is BLockcms. you can edit in this block these links.
To center menu, edit css/globas.css fiel in theme folder and find:
div#wrapper-menu ul#nav li {

change margin-left: to a upper value

ok but only the New colons did change not the more infos
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send me the url again. but this last is not a bug, the buttons comes automatic if you have a lot of products at bottom

it's another "bug" !

when i'm on the product list , and when i click on add to cart , the item do not go the cart

the third button add to cart is "disabled" and not center cf screen


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you need to put the block cart in left.
Try with default prestashop theme and see if the add to cart work. I think you have the cache activated and for this reason the css is not update. can you check?
or send me ftp access and i test

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you need to put the block cart in left.
Try with default prestashop theme and see if the add to cart work. I think you have the cache activated and for this reason the css is not update. can you check?
or send me ftp access and i test

Well I think I found the problem. Some of my articles appear as inventory sold out when everything is good in the BO! It's the items that shifts the button add to cart
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  • 3 weeks later...

Gracias a RSI por el servicio recibido.

Despues de instalar el Tema Grays nos hacian falta algunas modificaciones, en tan solo un día se han conectado a nuestra web y han realizado todas las modificaciones que les hemos solicitamos.
Un 10 en servicio.

El tema Grays se adapta a multitud de tiendas, es neutro y destacan muy bien los productos.

Si quereis ver como ha quedado, entrar en la web:



Miquel Estrada


Thanks to RSI for the service received.

After installing the theme Grays we needed some changes, in just one day RSI are connected to our website and have made ​​all the changes we've requested.

Grays theme suits many shops, is neutral and highlight good the products.

If you want to see how it has been, visit the web:

[url = http://bestflavs.com/]'>http://bestflavs.com/] http://bestflavs.com/ [/ url]


Miquel Estrada

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Really a excellent theme. I had some small issues at the start but this great guys helped me all the way until it was working. I can really recommend them.

This is really a high-class theme for a cheap price and with excellent support,-)))

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have bought this template from your website rsi sistemas.
Very nice template :)
How can i get the lastest version of it ? i can't find it on your website.

And how upgrade it please ?
You can send me infos by pm ;)
Thanks you.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Shacker, this is a stunning theme, so good work.

I have a small problem though. On the horizontal menu bar with links for 'Home', 'On Sale', 'Top Sellers', etc, that text does not appear in IE9, for me at least. It does appear in Firefox. The smaller text underneath works fine in both.

Do you have any advice?

I have attached a screenshot from IE9 and then from Firefox.

Thank you in anticipation of your advice.


Grays-PS 1.4 screenshots.docx

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Thank you Shacker, that was fast and simple, but not completely solved.

I can see the new script is trying to work. When I open the home page from PS admin, the links for ‘Home’, ‘On Sale’, ‘Top Sellers’, etc flash up for half a second, but then disappear again.

Any suggestions?


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Hi Shacker, I've made that change and it made no difference. I have been working with a copy of Grays that I saved and renamed as milspectv, preserving the original copy for reference. I noticed that my original copy works fine in IE9. So I ftp'd it to my desktop, renamed it milspectv, erased the original milspectv file and ftp'd the new file back to my host. I open it up in Prestashop and guess what, it's missing the same fonts. How can the original work and an exact but renamed copy not work? Do you have any advice on that? Thank you for your help so far.

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  • 4 months later...

Using Prestashop latest version, v1.6.4.2, can't see to get the animated effects to work. The left side where the Contact, Sitemap and RSS icon, when I move my mouse over, it does not slide out.

Also, when I move my mouse to the product image in the featured front page, there is no slide up showing the brief information. Anybody else facing this problem? Any idea on what could the problem?

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Hi Shacker.

You are correct. Thank you for the assistance provided. I've replaced it with the blockcart and blocksearch module from PrestaShop v1.4.5.1 as you have advised and it work. There seems to be compatibility problem with the theme using the two module from PrestaShop v1.4.6.2. I've even tried for the same two module extract out from PrestaShop v1.4.6.1 and it's not working as well.

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