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Installation Problem - Hanging on Shop Configuration

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I am installing Prestashop for the first time and I've got as far as the Shop Configuration window and it wont let me go any further but doesn't tell me why! I read the line 'f you check this box and your mail configuration is wrong, your installation might be blocked. If so, please uncheck the box to go to the next step' so I've unchecked it but nothing helps. I know if I press refresh I will have to start again and i've already done that several times! I wish the window would show me an error message. Can anyone else help please? The grey animated bar at the top keeps rolling but nothing happens.

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I'm still banging my head against a brick wall on this one. I've been reading other posts and I am now wondering if there is a problem with my database? Frustratingly the installation window is just stuck and doesnt actually give me an error message. I've tried different ways of getting past this window e.g. setting up paypal, not setting up paypal, ticking the email box, not ticking the email box and I am really stuck now :( I am new to databases so I'm not sure if my database has 'allow direct access' enabled which others are mentioning as vital (in other posts). The control panel of Easyspace does not offer this option. I have phpMyAdmin but I'm still learning how to use it. I am starting to think I've taken on too much with Prestashop even though I've been designing websites for years :down: Can anyone help please? Any suggestions would be very welcome!

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same issue here, version can't still be installed. hanging on the last page, none of the solutions I can read, solved the problem really.
Please advice how to go on, never have such installtion problem with other e-commemerce solutions.

Please help or should we all wait for soemthing new...??

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Tghank's sergiuz,
but when I come to that stage (admin page) it doesn't recognize me as an user. Seems the last information at step 4 was not in the database. But this happens all time.

Thanks for your reply

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Thanks sergiusz but I think you are further along the installation process than me. I am still stuck on page 4 Shop Configuration page which asks for your shop name, logo etc.. I am really getting desperate now and I will have quit prestashop if I cant even install it. :grrr:

As I am in the UK this page gives me the option of setting up a paypal account. I dont really want to do this at this stage but I will (if I have to). Do you think this could be the problem? I've tried completing the paypal section or leaving it blank but nothing helpds. Do we have to set up a payment account at this stage to proceed? I'm really clutching at straws here.

Has anyone else had this problem? I still wonder if there is a problem with my database which Prestashop isnt telling me so I dont know how to check. Is there any easier system that prestashop?

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Thanks gis :) I will check it out. I am wondering if my problem is because I had two folders missing in the installation process (tools/smarty/cache and tools/smarty/compile) and the only way I could get past stage 2 of the installation was to create these folders but of course they are empty. So far I am really not impressed with prestashop. I've wasted about 3 days just trying to install the damn thing. >:-(

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But it is still a pity.
prestashop looks very nice, have a lot of possibilities but it doesn't help if you get never the chance to use it. Someone of the experienced guys should have a look at this installation routine I think.


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Hello raeuk,
thanks for that answer,but I'm working on a XAMPP in my localhost, which should not be a problem.
All things went find up to the last page...
So it could not be the provider..
I have installed a lot of e-commerce software in that way without any problem .
I'm still waitjng for a solution 'cause I want to use it.


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Have a look here:

http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php and http://be2.php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php



For me it was a setting in my hosting's control panel. More often than not, it won't be found there though.

If that doesn't help... use a debug tool (firebug, or the built in features of chrome or IE) to see the ajax return value and which error it returns so you can solve the error/warning.

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somewhat SOLVED

if you uncheck the last box for email notification
the installation seems to complete although it doesnt take you to final page

good luck

This is pretty much the fix i used for this issue. If you manually configure SMTP email, the installer attempts to invoke the e-mail notifications. By unticking the option at the last page, the installer will complete.
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also im php ordner díe php ini öffnen und dann

Common Values:
; E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (Show all errors, except for notices and coding standards warnings.)
; E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | E_STRICT (Show all errors, except for notices)
; E_ALL | E_STRICT (Show all errors, warnings and notices including coding standards.)
; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
; Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
; http://php.net/error-reporting

; error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED

; This directive controls whether or not and where PHP will output errors,
; notices and warnings too. Error output is very useful during development, but
; it could be very dangerous in production environments. Depending on the code
display_errors = Off

also das error reporting hab ich halt dafür mal auskommentiert...
display _errors auf off gesetzt.

auf off geschaltet (am besten mit der Suche funktion finden und ändern)

bei mir hat es dann geklappt.

P.S.: danach wieder rückgängig machen!

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