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what live css editor do the prestashop team use

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what live css editor program
What are the alternatives? What editor apps are available to choose from? I loathe the chore of editng css (because I do it manually, using only 2 sharp sticks and plenty of duct tape. eek!)

the only one thats has come close is stylizer, firebug does edit css live aswell but is fiddly. both have bugs.
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myself i am not a brilliant webdesigner but i still like to use a wysiwyg for laying out stuff and then i tend to edit stuff for fine tuning by the code .For me designing a theme from scratch would be a hard job especially with all the page refreshes. I am use to joomla and html layouts. Prestashop is mostly css so it is a bit of a learning curve.

I did learn a trick from somewhere that if you set via htaccess, page cache length to 1 second the browser will automatically refresh, not tried it yet though.

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