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Back-Office HTTP ERROR 500 After Transferring from Different Hosting Package

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I had prestashop 1.7 installed on a outdated host with GoDaddy and upgraded to a new Host package but still with GoDaddy. Transferred the files and SQL, front-end works perfectly but every time I try to access the admin directory I get a Error. Any suggestions?

Below is the error log. Can anyone shed some light on this?

[lsapi:error] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException: Compile Error: Declaration of AdminDashboardControllerCore::setMedia() must be compatible with AdminControllerCore::setMedia($isNewTheme = false) in /public_html/prestashop/controllers/admin/AdminDashboardController.php:539\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n\nNext LogicException: Request stack is empty in /public_html/prestashop/app/bootstrap.php.cache:3231\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel->terminateWithException(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException))\n#1 /public_html/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Debug/ErrorHandler.php(606): call_user_func(Array, Object(Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException))\n#2 /public_html/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Debug/ErrorHandler.php(668): Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\ErrorHandler->handleException(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exce in /public_html/prestashop/app/bootstrap.php.cache on line 3231\n

Many Thanks

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1 hour ago, Janett said:

It seems PHP version is more recent on you new hosting but you use an old version of PrestaShop which is not compliancy with.

So change the PHP version to PHP 5.6 on your new hosting 

You were right. Many Thanks. Do you know how I can make PS run on PHP7 as on PHP5.6 there's problems.

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Latest PrestaShop version is compliant with PHP 7.2 max. (But modules can not be compliant if they are outdated)

PHP 7.3 is not currently supported by PrestaShop due to outdated dependencies

So if you want your shop work like before, use the same PHP version than your old hosting.

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