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Prestashop module Guestbook is a logging system that allows visitors of a website to leave a public comment.
It is possible in some guestbooks for visitors to express their thoughts about the website or its subject.
With the Guestbook module you give visitors the ability to leave a message, for example how they like the website.

Generally, Guestbook do not require the poster to create a user account, as it is an informal method of dropping off a quick message.
The purpose of a website guestbook is to display the kind of visitors the site gets, including the part of the world they reside in, and gain feedback from them.
This allows the webmaster to assess and improve their site.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

- Compliant with PrestaShop’s Official GDPR Compliance Module



- Compatible with RESPONSIVE themes
- SEO Optimized ( SEO url rewriting )
- Created Admin Tabs in BackOffice ( Moderate Messages )
- Multilingual & Multishop
- Module Guestbook use  Web  2.0  design
- All  functions are based on Ajax


- Upload Avatar
- Admin can change Guestbook block background color

- Admin can send response on the guestbook post


- Admin can change Guestbook messages per page (default 5)
- Admin can edit messages
- Admin can delete messages
- Enable/Disable URL rewriting

- Support CAPTCHA
- Enable/Disable Captcha in submit form


- Admin can change notification email
- Admin can enable or disable E-mail notification


- Guestbook Block  ( Left column, Right column, Footer, Home )
- Admin can change Position "Block Guestbook" (Left column, Right column, Footer, Home, None)
- Admin can change number of items in the "Block Guestbook" (default 5)




Demo FrontOfficehttps://demostoreprestashop.com/demo/blockguestbook/en/guestbook

Demo BackOfficehttps://demostoreprestashop.com/demo/blockguestbook/admin1/


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Guestbook - version 1.3.6


- Updated Installation_Guid.pdf
- Debug
- Fixed small issue concerning the translations of the "TAB" in the admin panel
- Fixed bug for compatible with PrestaShop’s Official GDPR Compliance Module when customer make Export data to CSV or PDF in the my account

Edited by spm.presto (see edit history)
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