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Data Sheet adding more charictors to the customize filed

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A strange request I know but I would like to have key ingredients in the data sheet and a paragraph about each ingredient, at the moment when I try to add a long entry to the customize filed it says
"1. Name for feature Key Ingredient is too long in English (English) 2. You do not have permission to edit anything here."
is there a way to edit this to have more characters then allowed, also is it possible to add an image at all?

hoping you can solve yet another problem for me, or point me in the direction of which file to edit :)


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Hi Angora

Thanks for your reply I have edited one of the products to show what I mean http://www.moor-beauty.co.uk/product.php?id_product=13 I have renamed the data sheet tab to Key ingredients.
Could you suggest how I would achieve the same effect with attributes?

I would rather not mess with the database, but ill do a backup and give it a go as this is really a requirement of this website.

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Thank you for your reply, sadly that module isn't dynamic it only allows the same content per product which is why I am using the data sheet. How can I remove the bold text saying "Key Ingredient" as its my filed name? Could I create a blank filed instead?

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