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Approve Comments?

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On my store i have the comments tab available for product reviews however when someone eneters a comment it says it will be sent for moderation however i can not find a section in the back office at all, does anyone know where this may be please?


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  • 2 months later...
“No comments to validate at this time.”

maybe your comments is not added successfully.
check your database if records are really added in database.


If there is not data there, it means there is something wrong when you added the comments.

If there is no data in database, try to change to "display_error" to "on" in file /config/config.inc.php, and then to to add "comment" again to see if there is any errors.
If there is data in database, then go to moderate page again to see if there is any errors.
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Ok, so I changed the config file to the following...

/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

and got this...

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND c.nright <= ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, c.`position` ASC' at line 9

SELECT c.id_parent, c.id_category,c.nleft,c.nright, cl.name, cl.description, cl.link_rewrite
FROM `ps_category` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND `id_lang` = 1)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)
WHERE (c.`active` = 1 OR c.`id_category` = 1)
AND `level_depth` <= 3
AND cg.`id_group` = 1
AND c.nleft >=
AND c.nright <=
ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, c.`position` ASC

The SQL error doesn't mean anything to me, I don't know enough about SQL to diagnose it. Can anyone help on this?
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I have just released my own Product Reviews module. It has more features than the standard one.
Here some of the features.

* Configurable to show reviewers name or not
* There are 3 predefined Criteriions: Quality, Performance, Value
* Apply criterion to different level: Whole Catalog, Category, Product
criterion and product mapping in one step
* Lanugae sensitive - display reviews in user's lanuage only by default,one click to include other languages.
* Pagination of reviews list in product detailed page
* Most validation is performed before post, so that user does not have to back and forth.
* Duplication post is checked to avoid misuse or mistakes
* Product average rating will be automatically displayed on following pages
- home featured product list
- category product list
- search result product list
- manufacturer product list
* One click batch validation of customer reviews

You can find more info here

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For any one else having this problem, my issues just “fixed” themselves when we uploaded the website on to the “proper” domain and out of our testing server?!

I guess it is cache issue. some time because cache, weird things appears.
so when you feel it is weird, try to switch cache off/on, it will changes.
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