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Has anyone managed to install 1.4 on Windows IIS yet?

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I've installed Prestashop on IIS, however, when the installation is complete, the front end of the shop doesn't work. This is an error that has been documented by users of Apache servers too, and nobody from Prestashop seems to be saying anything!

A more useful question might be - Has anybody got a fresh installation of 1.4 working, at all?!

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Thanks for that.

I have had no problems at all installing on Apache, so I don't think you IIS and you apache problem is connected necessarily.

I would love it if someone would respond to say they had either managed an IIS install, or also failed in trying.

Have spent 3 days trying and have given up for the minute.

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  • 1 month later...

After a lot of annoyances, I managed to run Prestashop 1.4.1 on a Windows XP Pro system with IIS!

Right after the installation, I had two major issues:
- the frontend did not load (screen stays white)
- the backend was not accessible (keeps reloading login page without error)

In my case there is a space in the path to the shops webroot. In the config/settings.inc.php this space is replaced with a . Seems logical, but this causes the backend issue... So replace any in the __PS_BASE_URI__ value with a space.

When I logged into the backend and changed the value for "Automatically redirect to Canonical url" to No, the frontend also loaded...

I hope this will prevent you from wasting to much time on these issues!

Kind regards,

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Just tried installing 1.4.1 this morning on IIS 6, and thanks to John, I have it working!

The backend worked straight after installation. I then logged in and altered the “Automatically redirect to Canonical url” from Yes to No, and the Front end of the shop started working. I'm not sure how this will affect the SEo of the site when its up and running, but I suppose I can worry about that later.

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