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Prestashop's own Authorize.net module

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I am writing here regarding my question on Prestashop's own Authorize.net module because after numerous attempts I have not received any answer to my queries. (I find this a bit disconcerting).

Please advise if your Authorize.net (Payment) module also is designed to accept authorize.net echeck payments. Additionally, does it keep user on site or does it transfer them to authorize.net for completion of any part of transaction?

Finally, please provide a screen shot of checkout area where the shopper gets to choose payment type (where paypal, google, authorize.net credit card transaction, and authorize.net e-check transaction buttons are indicated).

Please attach above requested picture to an answer to this post, or also send to: len@coffeeroastersclub.


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It keeps the user on your store site to fill out the credit card info and is posted silently to authorize.net.

I don't know about the other questions. If you have a test site you could install it and see if it is what you want.

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This is a reply I just received from Prestashop, which appears to conflict with your remarks about their Authorize.net module. I am now a bit confused ...

"Hi len,

yes absolutely. but transferred to the authorize.net

you should contact the webmaster to see if they can send you a screenshot

Best regards,

Service client - PrestaShop"

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What conflict?

I answered this question:
Additionally, does it keep user on site or does it transfer them to authorize.net for completion of any part of transaction?

Also, the card takes visa, mastercard, discover, and amex only.

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Hello. I mean to say that Prestashop was saying it takes you off site to authorize.net, however you reference that it keeps you on site.

Just to clarify, I am asking about Prestashops own authorize.net module, not any 3rd party module.

Do you use the Prestashop Authorize.net module for authorize.net echeck also?

Before I spend the money for the Prestashop module ($$$) I want to be sure as to what I am getting due to the fact that their listed features are minimal and not real specific.


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You have a store so update it to the version and click to install the authorize.net module.

I don't know about authorize.net echeck but it is not listed as an option on the module itself in the admin.

What are you spending money on for the prestashop module? PrestaShop is free to download and use.

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Hello. I have the latest 1.3 version of prestashop. Unfortunately the only authorize.net module I have seen available for it that includes the authorize.net echeck feature is the one that Prestashop sells. All the other 3rd party authorize.net modules do not support the authorize.net echeck payment.

So you say that the new 1.4 version of Prestashop has the authorize.net module incorporated into it already (along with its echeck feature)?

I hesitate to do the upgrade to 1.4 as I am concerned about the upgrade screwing up all the custom work I did on HTML and some of the PHP.


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I upgraded from an svn version which is NOT a release version and had to manually update tables, save the database, and then do a complete reinstall and put the tables back in the new database. I hope it's not like that going from a previous release version.

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