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DEVELOPERS! 502 Bad Gateway - hoster needs info, please

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Hi again

Dear developers

my hosting company is trying to solve the problem - 502 Bad gateway.
It started appearing when I went to 1.1

So my hoster needs info about what php modules does prestashop need?

TNX for any usable info!

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Here we are....

BUT RENAME FILE TO .RAR !!! (I couldn't upload rar and renamed it to .txt)

So RIGHT CLICK on the file link and select SAVE TARGET AS (then give ANYNAME.RAR)...

Hoster has asked for the "criterias" and requirements for the scripts - such as
= minimum memory needed,
= duration of SQL queries

Could you provide this info please?


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Has tried another hosting company...

After "I CONFIRM MY ORDER" - troubles again! Right part of the Front Office disapears!

Previous hoster gives me 502 BAD GATEWAY, when CONFIRM MY ORDER...

Can't believe this!... >:-(


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