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Working on a subfolder and them migrate Prestashop to the root

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Hello everyone,

I'm sorry if I'm opening a probably basic thread, but I need to be sure that I'm working in the right way actually.

I'm developing a new website Prestashop based after using for a long time an e-commerce that still works on Prestashop 1.4.9.

Now I'm developing the new website on a subfolder of the new domain and I would be sure that all the work I'm doing will not be lost when I'll transfer Prestashop to the root.

It's correct if I develop everything on the subfolder and then migrate the whole website to the root (images, product descriptions etc.)? I found some articles that explain the migration but it's really so simple?

Hope that someone could gives a detailed explanation of the process I'll have to do when I'll publish the e-commerce on the domain root.


Thank you in advance!

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This was asked and replied a trillion times already.

Basically, move your files to the root, change the .htaccess domain and path, change the domain in ps_configuration table, change the domain and path in the ps_shop_url table.

Delete the cache and you're set.

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