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My site was hacked by HEXB00T3R

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All of the php file in my site were changed to be hacked page. But password to FTP still remain the same. I don't know why this happened. I used anti virus on my PC and I have never been hacked before. Is it done by server site ? All the file in server remain the same except file with .php extension.
Here is my site that was hacked.

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I checked .htaccess file. It looks normal nothing suspicious. I guess the hacker might got it through the server because I saw some site in the same server as mine ( I used shared hosting) got hacked also (but not every site )

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Its probably got more to do with your host rather than the software. Hexboot3r is notorius for stuffing up many websites by inserting an index file which overwrites your homepage leaving everything else intact as normal. Overwrite his index file with your original one and your website should go back to normal. Id say he has some sort of software which inserts this file into thousands of websites at a time throwing many people into panic mode. Im a web designer and already had to fix up about 30 of my clients website this morning that he had hacked. Not sure what sort of kick this idiot gets out of this but Id really love to bump into him in a dark alley one night!!!..lol

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  • 1 year later...

hi there... sorry to bother you folks again with this Hexboot3rs issue but i have been hit now on a few of my sites i have done for clients and i am a Novice Joomla Designer too, i have no backups, from this lesson i have now recently installed akeeba backup plugin and will backup after updates to ensure i have clean files.. now if i am not mistaken from what i see here, all i have to do is what > abrownleo said to copy one of my non hacked sites index.html and overwrite hexboot3rs one. can i use the latest index.html file from 2.5.6 joomla or must it be the same version as what was on the site that was hacked.. as i have learned that in joomla the index.html should be pretty basic referral path page not a data page as such i really need some advise here please if you do have please feel free to PM me much appreciated :) PS: is it only the index.html file that he hacks or the index.php and images or such.. ???

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