Mam takie pytanie dla deweloperów, ostatnio musiałem napisać skrypt do zmiany cen produktów na podstawie kodu referencyjnego bądź też id_product i id_product_attribute i chciałbym zapytać czy może ktoś takiego już coś pisał i zwróci uwagę na co w sumie zwracać uwagę? Presta ma tyle zależności, że czasami można się walnąć a przy cenach bym tego nie chciał.
Uwaga: skrypt był pisany dla produktów które mają kombinacje.
Wstawiam tutaj część kodu którą napisałem, dodałem warunki echo "" byście wiedzieli co i jak
public function updatePrices($id_product, $id_product_attribute = 0, $xml_brutto, $update = false, $decimal_places = 6) { if ($id_product && $id_product_attribute) { if ($xml_brutto <= 0) return false; $product = new Product((int)$id_product); // Using $id_product, true for full product is broken when without context if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) return false; $product_name = Product::getProductName($product->id, $id_product_attribute); $product->tax_rate = Tax::getProductTaxRate($product->id); // product $tax_rate = $product->tax_rate / 100 + 1; //return tax in ex. 1.23 format which is easier to use in math $xml_netto = round($xml_brutto / $tax_rate, $decimal_places); if (!$xml_netto){ echo 'Something is wrong with netto price '.$product_name; return false; } if ($product->isDiscounted($product->id, 1, null, $id_product_attribute)){ echo 'Product '.$product_name.' discounted, price wont be checked<br>'; return false; } $combination = new Combination((int)$id_product_attribute); $combinations_quantity = Product::getProductCombinationsQuantity($product->id); $shop_brutto = round(($product->price + $combination->price) * $tax_rate); // needs to be rounded because values wont be equal $shop_netto = round($product->price + $combination->price, $decimal_places); if ($xml_brutto != $shop_brutto) { $price_difference = round($xml_netto - $shop_netto, $decimal_places); $compare = ($price_difference > 0) ? 'more expensive' : 'cheaper'; echo 'Price for '. $combination->reference .' is NOT the same. In shop it is <strong>' . round($shop_netto * $tax_rate, 2) . '</strong> ('.$shop_netto.') but in XML it is <strong>' . round($xml_netto * $tax_rate, 2) . '</strong> ('.$xml_netto.'). Product suppose to be '.$compare.' about <strong>'.round($price_difference*$tax_rate, 2).'</strong> PLN.<br>'; if ($update && ($product->price + $combination->price) > 0) { /* We need to check if product has price based on main price of product or is combinations affecting price ny checking how many combinations it have */ if ($combinations_quantity <= 1) { // just to prevent case when there was influence on price // It is reset to 0 and set main price of product if ($combination->price != 0) { $combination->price = 0; $combination->save(); echo 'Combination price returned to 0 due to only 1 or 0 combinations.<br>'; } $product->price = $xml_netto; $product->save(); echo 'Product '.$product_name.' saved with new price '.number_format($product->price*$tax_rate, 2).' <br>'; unset($product); } else { $combination->price = (float)($combination->price + $price_difference); $combination->save(); echo 'Combination for '.$combination->reference.' was changed to '.number_format($combination->price*$tax_rate).'<br>'; unset($combination); } } } else { echo 'Price for '.$combination->reference.' is OK<br>'; } } }
I następnie wywoływana jest funkcja która synchronizuje ceny jeśli nagle wszystkie impact price są takie wiec ustawia główną cenę produktu na domyślną, a kombinacje spadają na zero. Przydatne gdy powyższa funkcja dla wszystkich np 6 kombinacji ustawiła impact na 6 zł, więc synchronizacja wyrówna główną cenę na +6 zł a impact poleci na 0.
public function synchronizeCombinationsPricesWithProductPrice($id_product) { if ($id_product) { $product = new Product((int)$id_product); if ($product->isDiscounted($product->id)) return false; // dont synchronize products with discounts $product_combinations = $product->getAttributeCombinations(0); if (count($product_combinations) > 1) { // holy shit that is lame but it works $combination_impact = $product_combinations[0]['price']; $same_impacts = false; if ($combination_impact != 0) { foreach ($product_combinations as $attribute) { if ($attribute['price'] == $combination_impact) { $same_impacts = true; } else { $same_impacts = false; break; } } } if ($same_impacts === true) { if ($product->price + $combination_impact <= 0) return false; $product->price = ($product->price + $combination_impact); $product->save(); foreach ($product_combinations as $attribute){ $combination = new Combination((int)$attribute['id_product_attribute']); $combination->price = 0; $combination->save(); unset($combination); } echo 'Synchronized prices for '.$product->getProductName($product->id).'<br>'; } } } }
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