I have some questions about gsitemap module:
- What does this checkbox label exactly mean: "Check this box if you wish to check the presence of the image files on the server"? Is it related to image indexing?
- In the generated sitemap, I see that only the large_default image is sent to google. How does it work? Is it possible to send larger images, instead?
<url> <loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/category/1-product_name.html ]]> </loc> <priority>0.9</priority> <lastmod>2019-03-28T10:36:01+01:00</lastmod> <changefreq>weekly</changefreq> <image:image> <image:loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/2-large_default/product_namejpg ]]> </image:loc> <image:caption> <![CDATA[ Description.. ]]> </image:caption> <image:title> <![CDATA[ Productname ]]> </image:title> </image:image> </url>
Thank you