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When i try to enter BO seems like it kick me out and return a 404 page error, i´ve seen a lot of topics with several options but neither of them can solve it. wich:

1. Clear your browser cache and your cookies

Try using Firefox instead of Chrome (which seems have some unexpected problems) <-- it works on incognit mode but i have to  F5 all the time it kicks me out

 Check PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in ps_configuration table  <--- i can´t find these tables on PS

Manually clear smarty cache : remove all files from tools/smarty/compile and tools/smarty/cache

Disable the IP check in classes/Cookie.php (this can causes many issues with dynamics IP) : in isLoggedBack(), remove or comment the fourth condition :

AND (!isset($this->_content['remote_addr']) OR $this->_content['remote_addr'] == ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr()) OR !Configuration::get('PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP'))

Make the expire time shorter for cookies (IE can have issues with longest time cookies) : in classes/Cookie.php constructor,

set : $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 3600);

instead of $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 1728000);


2.Cpanel errors   just this type:

[Wed Apr 03 13:59:21.531749 2019] [authz_core:error] [pid 30857] [client "IP"] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/"nombre"/public_html/translations/cldr/datas/ 

I changed the authorization on files. don't know if  775 or 777.


3. debug mode shows me:



Failed:Permission denied(13)   

To solve this problem change "/var/cpanel..." for "/tmp/cpanel.." but doesn't work. In the topic where I found this solution they say that my version of prestashop must go with PHP 7.1, it is curious because in PHP multimanager I see that I have PHP5.6 and when I change it to 7.1 the web page (frontoffice) is completely blank. I have reached a point where it is impossible for me to continue. Attached blank page images, the incognito mode can not be given as a solution if I want to access as any Internet page. Thanks in advance



PHP: 5.6 (ea-php-56)




When i try to enter BO seems like it kick me out and return a 404 page error, i´ve seen a lot of topics with several options but neither of them can solve it. wich:

1. Clear your browser cache and your cookies

Try using Firefox instead of Chrome (which seems have some unexpected problems) <-- it works on incognit mode but i have to  F5 all the time it kicks me out

 Check PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in ps_configuration table  <--- i can´t find these tables on PS

Manually clear smarty cache : remove all files from tools/smarty/compile and tools/smarty/cache

Disable the IP check in classes/Cookie.php (this can causes many issues with dynamics IP) : in isLoggedBack(), remove or comment the fourth condition :

AND (!isset($this->_content['remote_addr']) OR $this->_content['remote_addr'] == ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr()) OR !Configuration::get('PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP'))

Make the expire time shorter for cookies (IE can have issues with longest time cookies) : in classes/Cookie.php constructor,

set : $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 3600);

instead of $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 1728000);


2.Cpanel errors   just this type:

[Wed Apr 03 13:59:21.531749 2019] [authz_core:error] [pid 30857] [client "IP"] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/"nombre"/public_html/translations/cldr/datas/ 

I changed the authorization on files. don't know if  775 or 777.


3. debug mode shows me:




To solve this problem change "/var/cpanel..." for "/tmp/cpanel.." but doesn't work. In the topic where I found this solution they say that my version of prestashop must go with PHP 7.1, it is curious because in PHP multimanager I see that I have PHP5.6 and when I change it to 7.1 the web page (frontoffice) is completely blank. I have reached a point where it is impossible for me to continue. Attached blank page images, the incognito mode can not be given as a solution if I want to access as any Internet page. Thanks in advance



PHP: 5.6 (ea-php-56)




Cuando quiero acceder con uno de los usuarios al backoffice me salta la pagina de error 404, he visto en otros temas muchas posibles soluciones pero ninguna me ha funcionado como:

When i try to enter BO seems like it kick me out and return a 404 page error, i´ve seen a lot of topics with several options but neither of them can solve it. wich:

1. Clear your browser cache and your cookies

Try using Firefox instead of Chrome (which seems have some unexpected problems) <-- it works on incognit mode but i have to  F5 all the time it kicks me out

 Check PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in ps_configuration table  <--- i can´t find these tables on PS

Manually clear smarty cache : remove all files from tools/smarty/compile and tools/smarty/cache

Disable the IP check in classes/Cookie.php (this can causes many issues with dynamics IP) : in isLoggedBack(), remove or comment the fourth condition :

AND (!isset($this->_content['remote_addr']) OR $this->_content['remote_addr'] == ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr()) OR !Configuration::get('PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP'))

Make the expire time shorter for cookies (IE can have issues with longest time cookies) : in classes/Cookie.php constructor,

set : $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 3600);

instead of $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 1728000);


2.Cpanel errors   just this type:

[Wed Apr 03 13:59:21.531749 2019] [authz_core:error] [pid 30857] [client "IP"] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/"nombre"/public_html/translations/cldr/datas/ 

I changed the authorization on files. don't know if  775 or 777.


3. debug mode shows me:




To solve this problem change "/var/cpanel..." for "/tmp/cpanel.." but doesn't work. In the topic where I found this solution they say that my version of prestashop must go with PHP 7.1, it is curious because in PHP multimanager I see that I have PHP5.6 and when I change it to 7.1 the web page (frontoffice) is completely blank. I have reached a point where it is impossible for me to continue. Attached blank page images, the incognito mode can not be given as a solution if I want to access as any Internet page. Thanks in advance



PHP: 5.6 (ea-php-56)


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