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Prestashop 1.4 Theme import

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Bingo :-)

That works. I was looking at the config.xml within the themes folder.

Their is however a different config.xml in the root of the .zip folder which contains the modules & theme folder.

Thanks alot for the info!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to create it or use the one in the free theme prestashop offers. You need to have everything match such as hooks, modules, and so on other wise it will come back as "Bad Config" the easyer way to install themes or older themes is to zip them up and upload to the theme dir on your server. you may also need to change the smarty settings from 2 to 3 or vice versa to work with older themes.

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  • 1 month later...

generally when you install a module or theme 1.4 creates a configure file for the object your installing. However if you wish to use the theme installer you need to create a config file from scratch it's difficult to just say how to do this because it's complex to do. The file has a lot of information for modules, set-up of other settings so, the easiest way to install a theme or a theme thats not for version 1.4 is to FTP it to your theme folder and set your smarty setting in the BO to what ever version theme your using.example 1.3.

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  • 4 months later...

generally when you install a module or theme 1.4 creates a configure file for the object your installing. However if you wish to use the theme installer you need to create a config file from scratch it's difficult to just say how to do this because it's complex to do. The file has a lot of information for modules, set-up of other settings so, the easiest way to install a theme or a theme thats not for version 1.4 is to FTP it to your theme folder and set your smarty setting in the BO to what ever version theme your using.example 1.3.

Agree with you, it is easier to install via FTP,

I dont think it so much fun :( to write config.xml to every theme we make, takes some time to get it nice and working

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello All


Im trying to upload a theme i bought, ive tried to upload it through themeinstaller, but it dispalys a bad configure message. ive extracted the theme to my root directory using filezila, but it still doesnt work..im completely new to this, and feeling rather lost, can any1 help?

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