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Inserting Quicktime Video onto Homepage


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i have a question regarding adding video content, onto the prestashop homepage. I would like to display a short video at the top of the webpage, where the main Banner Div is located. I have tried using the embed option through the home page editor to test but it does not recognise the type of file as the quicktime icon is displayed with a question mark next to it. which method would i need to take to do this Another question i have is where can I find $base_tag and where assigned.

thanks very much.


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Thanks for your reply i have managed to insert media content onto the front end, instead editing the header.tpl file and embedding the video with my div, this worked using the code below.

however the file i used was only 240kb and the actual movie i wish to play is 313MB, this is causing a problem as when the page is loaded it hangs on loading. I have uploaded the video onto my FTP. Is there another method i can take to achieve this, so that the video plays correctly

thanks again
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  • 4 weeks later...

IF I read your post correctly - a 313MB video file will NEVER load properly without some type of progressive / [spam-filter] protocol. The bandwidth requirements alone, make such a file prohibitive. Your hosting server might produce a denial of service or kick-in addtional fees because of the size of the video. If more than one user tries to access your site and the video is set to autoplay, the site will slow down tremediously or crash all together, because of the bottleneck the media creates on it own.

Either segment (chain / reduce) your master video, use a different file format for better file compression, edit the video and use only a portion of the original - regardless of what you do, 313MB is still 313MB - your videos should be kept smaller than 10-15MB in a worst case scenario and ideally under 10MB for smoother loading and playback.

IF not for use on a mobile device, FLV files (Flash) work very well. Mobile devices, HTML5 / mp4 compression works well - but a 313MB mp4 will not.

FX Designer

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