In short: all slider-modules just stopped working. They are simply deployed instead of a slideshow.
1. slider on the main one (Cs Slider Camera; completely gone)
2. List of products on the main (Cs Featured Products by Category)
3. best sellers (CS Top seller block)
4. block manufacturers
How did this happen?:
I tried on the site which is made on PrestaShop 1.6 (https://koniaka.com.ua/) to install a new module from the admin panel (Watermark v1.1.0 - by PrestaShop). In the admin clicked "Install" and immediately the site went down with the error "500 (Internal Server Error)"
From FTP i was deleted folder with this module but it did not solve the problem.
Then I found the information in Google that I needed to edit the .htacces file (change the Options + FollowSymLinks to Options + SymLinksIfOwnerMatch) and it all worked. But it happened. Sliders do not work and just hang in expanded.
backups restored and cache cleaned
Help me please with this problem