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Powered by Prestashop in emails

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Hi guys

I was wondering if anyone could help

When a customer makes a new membership, uses Send to a friend or any other function that generates an email.

Always the message at the end appears "Powered by Prestashop"

Is it possible to change "Powered by Prestashop" in the emails that goes out? No offence to PS. I like it. But I think it might distract my potential customers.


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All the mail templates are located in the mails folder.

In the HTML templates, they all have this:

{shop_name} powered with PrestaShopâ„¢

In the Text templates they all have this:

{shop_url} powered by PrestaShop

Geez, there were 14 views of the original post before anyone bothered to post an answer for him.

When is Prestashop going to "get it" when it comes to supporting their product?

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  • 11 months later...

All the mail templates are located in the mails folder.

In the HTML templates, they all have this:

[url="{shop_url}"]{shop_name}[/url] powered with [url="http://www.prestashop.com/"]PrestaShopâ„¢[/url]

In the Text templates they all have this:

{shop_url} powered by PrestaShop

Geez, there were 14 views of the original post before anyone bothered to post an answer for him.

When is Prestashop going to "get it" when it comes to supporting their product?





Prestashop is Open Source/Free/Gratis. Essentially it is "Our" product. People all over the world contribute their time freely to make Prestashop.


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Welcome, and thanks for helping out!


After researching what Open Source software is all about I decided to keep "Powered by Prestashop" on my emails. Guess I am just proud to be a part of, and to promote Open Source software... especially Prestashop because despite it's many bugs, Prestashop I believe is the best cart available.



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