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Change Thumbnails size

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i have a problem i need to change the Thumbnails of the category.php how can i do it ?

When i change the size in Preferences >> Image then the Thumbnails in home also change, how can i give a diffrent Thumbnails size for the home and a diffrent Thumbnails size for the category.php

Thank you

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For which images on the category pages. There a main category image and also sub category image which are the home size. Also the product list has the home size image. I can tell you how to change it in the template, but need to know exactly what images you are asking about. A screenshot would be good

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You can change the size in product-list.tpl. right now around line 33 you have:

getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($homeSize)} width="{$homeSize.width}" height="{$homeSize.height}"{/if} />

Change it to:

getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($homeSize)} width="125px" height="125px"{/if} />

in the example, I hard coded the image size to be 125px by 125px you can change it to whatever you want.. Keep in mind, i would try to maintain aspect ratio. This will give you the home size image you have and a different image size you specify in the categories sorting

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  • 8 months later...

I am having a similar issue. The theme is squishing my 'large' thumbnail and distorting the image. Attached is a screen shot. You can see the larger image of the board is squished compared to the smaller image below it. I can provide the code from the template if needed.

Screen shot 2011-11-17 at 5.03.53 PM.png

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Your issue is in http://www.kiteboard.../css/global.css line 805, your css style for img#bigpic is 208px x 258px and your image is square. So, it is getting squashed. You can change the height to 258px in the css to give a square div and that will straighten out your images. I tend to make all the image divs to have square dimensions and when the product images are created in photoshop or whatever, make the images square and everything always looks proper.




Quick note that if you do change the height in line 805 to 258px you will need to change the padding on line 852 for ul#usefull_link_block to padding: 100px 0 0; to push it down a bit to make room for the new image height.


I have attached a screenshot of the same page with changes made in firebug.

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That worked perfectly...Thanks again.


The only other little issue with this theme is that the Name and Short Description are overlapping on some items on the Home Page. Im sure its a quick fix but I dont know where to find it. Any thoughts? You can see it on the center item on the first row.


Screen shot 2011-11-19 at 2.49.59 PM.png

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