Thanks, JBW. I understand that that hook really means "before authentication", and not literally "before successful authentication", because I think that the latter wouldn't do; for successful authentication, performing the password switch is a precondition.
Maybe someone will use a hook if they choose to make a module to do this (I think, although I may be wrong, that employing hooks requires writing a module, which seems a bit excessive in my particular case). Meanwhile, here is my current approach. I decided to place the password switch code in the constructor of a class I overrode that appears to be instantiated early and commonly.
<?php class Customer extends CustomerCore { function __construct() { call_user_func_array([$this, 'parent::__construct',], func_get_args()); // future-proof? call_user_func(function() { $mail = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : null; $pass = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : null; if(!($mail && $pass)) return; $pass_enc1 = md5($pass); $pass_enc2 = Tools::hash($pass); // pseudocode if(query('select from users_old where mail = mail and pass = pass_enc1')) if(query('update users_new set pass = pass_enc2 where mail = mail')) if(query('update users_old set pass = none where mail = mail')) ; }); } } ?>
By the way: would you happen to know if such overrides (in /override dir) are overwritten/erased upon Presta updates?