After not finding the information, I thought I'd share this here, in hopes of future googlers having an easier time than me. So here goes:
Prestashop 1.7 - How to edit the Contact Page.
Location of the contact page:
(or for localized shops, it's your relevant string. /kontakt, etc...)
There are 3 different places you need to visit, in order to edit everything on this page:
A /themes/yourtheme/templates/contact.tpl
B /themes/yourtheme/modules/contactform/views/templates/widget/contactform.tpl
C /themes/yourtheme/modules/ps_contactinfo/ps_contactinfo-rich.tpl
To edit the shop info shown on the left side of the page, go into your backoffice and edit the Contact Details under:
Shop Parameters -> Contact -> Stores
Hope this saves you guys some time.