finnenhawke Posted March 11, 2019 Share Posted March 11, 2019 I'm using PrestaShop with GamesHouse Theme from official Marketplace and some marketing modules. The problem is that translations are not always being saved, no matter what module I edit. Basically, the rule of thumb is that when I open the translation menu for the first time, it will save properly. However, when then I edit more lines and try to save changes again, they won't save. Last translated fields become blank again, only the first batch remains translated. To be able to translate again, I have to log off and log back into administration panel. Then sometimes it works again, and sometimes even then it doesn't work and I have to just try saving over and over again until it finally saves. Does anyone have some experience with that? Is that some kind of borderline aggressive caching from my hosting provider or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webmasterBS Posted March 13, 2019 Share Posted March 13, 2019 I will observe this topic as I have a corresponding issue with the same Presta version. In my case translations are nicely saved in the back office but the front end of the site is not bothered by the changes... Even after clearing the cache. Classic theme (Presta's default). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nom Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 I also experience this after updating to Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonyJP Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 (edited) The updated translations (is saved) but is not updated in front or back office, is still displayed the old value ( Edited March 21, 2019 by TonyJP (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wutsdis Posted March 22, 2019 Share Posted March 22, 2019 (edited) I think you observe this because of enabled caching. Clear the caches or disable them temporarily. It happens for product edits as well, at least for me, that is. Also, I have another problem with translations, which is that they are updated (I even see them through PHPMyAdmin in the tables) but still with all caches turned off, the texts in the contact form are not changing from English. Other texts change, just those in the contact us and some partially translated strings in the cart stay in English. I checked them in the MySQL DB and they are translated, exported the language and they are translated. I have no idea what to do. I think it is something from my theme Vinova Sport but I don't know what. Also at seemingly random, some of the translations just reset and clear to English and I have to translate them again which is weird and it happened about 5 times already. Edited March 22, 2019 by wutsdis (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nom Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 I have same thing as you wutsdis but with some other strings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wutsdis Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) The only workaround for the strings to appear translated is to hardcode them translated into the theme template code, but I don't like that solution particularly. 😞 Edited March 23, 2019 by wutsdis (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wutsdis Posted March 24, 2019 Share Posted March 24, 2019 (edited) This had cost me so much time to solve. I hope it will help someone else. In my case, it seems that the theme creator made some kind of a problem. I am using the Vinova Sport theme. The problematic strings I had were in the checkout templates, there were also some others in the /layouts and possibly more in other places. I changed their domain, in my case: from d='Shop.Theme' to d='Shop.Theme.Checkout' and for some of the other missing strings from d='Shop.Theme' to d='Shop.Theme.Global' Then I translated them from the back office and it worked. Edited March 24, 2019 by wutsdis (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nom Posted March 26, 2019 Share Posted March 26, 2019 (edited) Glad that worked for you. ;:) I'm still confused... One of the ones that doesnt work for me was: {l s='Showing %from%-%to% of %total% items' sprintf=['%from%' => $pagination.items_shown_from ,'%to%' => $pagination.items_shown_to, '%total%' => $pagination.total_items] d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} I changed it to this and it works (as that old string already was translated long before). {l s='Showing %from%-%to% of %total% item(s)' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%from%' => $pagination.items_shown_from ,'%to%' => $pagination.items_shown_to, '%total%' => $pagination.total_items]} However, changing it and then translating the new string says "saved" and then doesn't show up in front office {l s='Showing %from%-%to% of %total% products' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%from%' => $pagination.items_shown_from ,'%to%' => $pagination.items_shown_to, '%total%' => $pagination.total_items]} Also, after it says that the translation got saved. It will say this above the field:ShopThemeCatalog - 1 expression - -1 missing Edited March 26, 2019 by nom (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wutsdis Posted March 26, 2019 Share Posted March 26, 2019 (edited) I used these docs, maybe you could find something helpful in there Try to add just the simple text string first and see if it works, maybe there is a problem with the %placeholders%. I also get that red missing text warning a lot of times when saving, sometimes it increases to -5. I have no idea what it means. Edited March 26, 2019 by wutsdis (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nom Posted March 26, 2019 Share Posted March 26, 2019 Tried {l s='Showing test' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} and that worked. :S Thank you so much for your advice. I will do a work around with the placeholders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
finnenhawke Posted March 27, 2019 Author Share Posted March 27, 2019 (edited) On 3/22/2019 at 11:36 PM, wutsdis said: I think you observe this because of enabled caching. Clear the caches or disable them temporarily. It happens for product edits as well, at least for me, that is. Expand I have completely and utterly disabled cache, yet it still happens. I also tried cleaning it every time I save. What I noticed, however, is that I simply have to wait after each time I save a new translation. So yes, you're partially right - it is caused by some kind of cache, even when I disable all of caching functions in PrestaShop settings. What actually happens is that when I press "Save" the translation is correctly saved to the PHP file (modules/module_name/translations/pl.php). The translation file gets immediately updated on the server. However, it simply takes some time for PrestaShop to detect the updated PHP file and show the translations in the administration panel In other words, every time I am translating something, I make sure to simply wait around 5-10 minutes each time I press "save". I press "Save", the website reloads and the translations fields remain empty. That's the moment where I have to wait. I leave the translation settings and come back after 5-10 minutes. Boom, last translations show up and I can continue adding more. I have to be careful not to press "Save" again before PrestaShop detects previous translations. If I do it before PrestaShop detects the last translations they will be replaced with empty strings. SUPER annoying. I think it might have to do something with the cache on the website hosting for PHP files? Edited March 27, 2019 by finnenhawke (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wutsdis Posted March 27, 2019 Share Posted March 27, 2019 Yes, this is what is doing it for me, it is called OPcache, I should've been more clear. It is something you should have control over from the cpanel of your hosting provider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zod Posted June 8, 2019 Share Posted June 8, 2019 I am using Prestashop v and it seems the module translation is not working (empty fields after submit, not saving). Anyone found how to solve this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dolceremy Posted June 29, 2019 Share Posted June 29, 2019 @zodfor me too on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TShah Posted July 9, 2019 Share Posted July 9, 2019 I had a similar issue and just could not save the Shop > Theme > Catalog translation properly. I manually entered the row in table ps_translations. It worked. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jetx Posted August 20, 2019 Share Posted August 20, 2019 (edited) it's a known bug still not properly resolved. Edited August 20, 2019 by jetx (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
taniacr Posted October 18, 2019 Share Posted October 18, 2019 This is so freaking annoying!!!, opcached disabled.. I translate one string and there... done for the day... Has this been figured out already? The issue is closed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zod Posted October 18, 2019 Share Posted October 18, 2019 The new translation system is bugged. I posted a report starting from here: I had problems with a theme and some modules. The theme could have an error breaking the file parsing. About the module i could resolve translating it manually, like the old method (module folder, "languages", file with iso code .php). The problem could happen with old modules. The BO could have empty strings, or they could seem working, but the xlf files are ignored, so the module remains not translated. I reported the solution here They suggest to report the problem to the module/theme developers, but i had to guess by myself what was going on... and hopefully i fond the work around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
taniacr Posted October 18, 2019 Share Posted October 18, 2019 My problem is the string is already translated but i need to change it.. It changes in the backoffice but the frontoffice remains the same.. I try again the next day and it works.. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mesudix Posted December 9, 2019 Share Posted December 9, 2019 i had smiliar issue too. i changed my php version to 7.2 and now its working Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dandry Posted February 15, 2020 Share Posted February 15, 2020 I am still facing this issue @ The workaround is to add the translations manually: INSERT INTO `ps_translation` ( `id_lang`, `key`, `translation`, `domain`, `theme` ) VALUES ( yourlangid, 'An email has been sent to your mail address %email%.', 'your translation text here with placeholder of %email%.', 'ShopThemeCheckout', 'yourthemename' ); Replace yourlangid with the id of your language and 'yourthemename' with the name of your theme. You can safely ignore the id_translation value in your insert statement because that is a primary key with auto increment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prospect Posted April 6, 2020 Share Posted April 6, 2020 Huge prestashop problem with translations saving continues from one version to another. Prestashop does nothing with issue in all new versions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zod Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 I try to help you finding what is happening in your website. I did a lot of research in this issue and I sum all my findings so far.Problems The theme is not translated using the official method via Back Office. The theme is missing some strings, or is not saving what you input, or is not showing what is really translated in Front Office. The modules are not translated using the official method via Back Office. The code in the templates and hints on how we can access to the translations In themes, the new system defines two parameters: the string (variable s), and the domain (variable d). Example: {l s='Refresh' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}. You use the Back Office, translations, and then choose the theme translation. You find many sub groups, open them according the domain. In modules there is a mess, we can have 4 different scenarios (maybe more? I don't know): a string identical to the theme domain, for example {l s='My alerts' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}, so, this is translated by the theme, under the sub group "Modules". You need to know the name of the module, in this case "Mailalerts", and then you find "Shop". a string slightly different, for example {l s='Message' d='Shop.Forms.Labels'}, in this case we know it is the module "contactform", but it is useless, because you can't find it in the sub group "Modules" like before, instead, the strings are inside the sub group "Shop", then "Forms", then "Labels". Don't ask me why. a string having domain Modules instead of Shop, for example {l s='You have chosen the cash on delivery method.' d='Modules.Cashondelivery.Shop'}. This is the Cash on Delivery module. This time you must not translate the theme, you select the module translation. Again, don't ask me why they decided to put some modules in the theme, and others in the modules translation. Last but not least, a string translated by the module itself, in the old school (Prestashop 1.6 and below), for example: {l s='Account' mod='roy_levibox'}. We find this many times, because modules are old, in this case the Back Office can manage them pressing the button "translate" when you are inside a module (you need to access via "Module Manager"). But sometimes this method is useless too, no matter how much you try, Back Office is not working. You can do two different solutions: you could replace the strings in templates using the new domain system, so you can translate with Back Office. Or, you better translate the module manually! Make a folder "translations" inside the module, then make a PHP file with iso code as name, if you want italian you make "it.php", and inside the file you write all strings according the old syntax, with MD5 and so on (explanations are too long, find them, learn from other modules). Positions where the translations could be, why Prestashop is behaving weird In database there is a table "ps_translation" (prefix could be different), this is the first source where Prestashop takes the strings for your theme (and some modules as well, isn't it?). If you think you are missing some strings, see the comment of Dandry for the SQL injection of new records. Or use PhpMyAdmin, you can see the parameters are:id_lang -> ID language, if you have a fresh install with just one language, it should be "1", always. Else, you find the ID of each language in the table ps_langkey -> Original string to translate, example "Checkout"translation -> Your translation, example "Cassa"domain -> Now you understand what this weirdo is. For example "ShopThemeActions", in your template it is separated by dots "Shop.Theme.Actions".theme -> your theme name, for example "leo_shopsmart". Attention: when you install more themes and you remove them, the records in this table are never deleted accordingly, you can clean the crap manually. The xlf files inside the folder app/Resources/translations/ are the second source where Prestashop takes the strings. If your Back Office is acting weird, you can't find some strings, or your Front Office is never updated, then you can find the strings in these files, and modify them manually. The translations folders inside the modules, this is the old school. Add or modify languages as I described already. You did anything i told you, and your Front Office is still WRONG??? Wait! No panic, Prestashop is making Smarty cache. It was disabled already? Well, don't trust Prestashop, i told you it is weird. Press that blue button "clear cache". Now it should be good. Epico! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danieleindino Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 On 10/18/2019 at 3:50 PM, taniacr said: My problem is the string is already translated but i need to change it.. It changes in the backoffice but the frontoffice remains the same.. I try again the next day and it works.. Expand Same problem here... i'm getting crazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courage2000 Posted April 10, 2020 Share Posted April 10, 2020 (edited) Ok, this is crazy here Find the xml files and edit by hand app/Resources/translations/*.xml Edited April 10, 2020 by Courage2000 (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
safsoft Posted April 13, 2020 Share Posted April 13, 2020 Hey Guys ! Find it ! It is an applicative cache issue You need to connect to your server ny FTP or SSH and remove the content of the folder app/cache/* Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courage2000 Posted April 13, 2020 Share Posted April 13, 2020 You have Remove Cache on Performance Settings. The problem is that the translation is NOT SAVED! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danieleindino Posted April 13, 2020 Share Posted April 13, 2020 Ok, i Will try. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 14, 2020 Share Posted May 14, 2020 Hi, we are having same issues. I've tried different things and the front-end translations doesn't change. I've cleared cache, recompiled templates, changed translation files manually and nothing. Front-end keeps the old translations. Ps version: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courage2000 Posted May 14, 2020 Share Posted May 14, 2020 (edited) Also fix your file/folder permissions. there is am module for that. Edited May 14, 2020 by Courage2000 (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 15, 2020 Share Posted May 15, 2020 Permissions checked they seem to be ok (755 for folders and 644 for files). Didn't find the module for fixing them though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OwnedFiston Posted May 16, 2020 Share Posted May 16, 2020 On 5/15/2020 at 7:25 AM, Dexter Morgan said: Permissions checked they seem to be ok (755 for folders and 644 for files). Didn't find the module for fixing them though. Expand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 18, 2020 Share Posted May 18, 2020 On 5/16/2020 at 1:11 PM, xlkiller said: Expand Thank you, I'll give it a try Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 19, 2020 Share Posted May 19, 2020 Tested no changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mesudix Posted May 19, 2020 Share Posted May 19, 2020 On 5/19/2020 at 9:53 AM, Dexter Morgan said: Tested no changes. Expand whats your php version? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 19, 2020 Share Posted May 19, 2020 On 5/19/2020 at 10:11 AM, mesudix said: whats your php version? Expand 7.2.30 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OwnedFiston Posted May 19, 2020 Share Posted May 19, 2020 My prestashop with PHP 7.3 Save Translation only if i click on Save Button 2 times and all single quote doesn't work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dexter Morgan Posted May 20, 2020 Share Posted May 20, 2020 Well the thing is that translations are saved (at least the ones I am worried about) but they are not applied to the pages even though I recompile all templates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mlemanczyk Posted May 27, 2020 Share Posted May 27, 2020 On 5/20/2020 at 7:59 AM, Dexter Morgan said: Well the thing is that translations are saved (at least the ones I am worried about) but they are not applied to the pages even though I recompile all templates. Expand I'm having the same issue on PrestaShop I can see the translations saved into DB, but they're not reflected on frontend. Cache is disabled. The problem is very weird. One day the translation for mod='modulename' didn't work, so I switched all to d='Shop.Theme.Global' and it started working. Another day I found out that Shop.Theme.Global no longer works. I switched back to mod='modulename' and it worked then. This issue should be given high priority. I find it critical for successful shop management. Now we're dealing with 1 shop, but we'll shortly add couple more. If I new about this bug before we decided to use PrestaShop, we would probably choose another engine. It's highly concerning that it hasn't been fixed for a year, now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OwnedFiston Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 On 5/19/2020 at 10:41 AM, xlkiller said: My prestashop with PHP 7.3 Save Translation only if i click on Save Button 2 times and all single quote doesn't work. Expand I solve my single quote problem. I replace single quote ' by typographic symbol ’ (ALT+0146) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prospect Posted June 9, 2020 Share Posted June 9, 2020 (edited) On 4/6/2020 at 4:31 PM, prospect said: Huge prestashop problem with translations saving continues from one version to another. Prestashop does nothing with issue in all new versions. Expand translation problem of prestashop is all the time, version after version. no one can solve it and properly explain the reason for it. there may be a million reasons and none real. this should be a prestashop priority to solve the problem. unfortunately prestashop ignores this and you see it version after version. how can it be that it is not possible to normally translate another theme or another module through the prestashop backend into a clean prestashop installed ???!!!? Edited June 9, 2020 by prospect (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huymanutd Posted June 14, 2020 Share Posted June 14, 2020 On 4/9/2020 at 1:33 PM, zod said: I try to help you finding what is happening in your website. I did a lot of research in this issue and I sum all my findings so far.Problems The theme is not translated using the official method via Back Office. The theme is missing some strings, or is not saving what you input, or is not showing what is really translated in Front Office. The modules are not translated using the official method via Back Office. The code in the templates and hints on how we can access to the translations In themes, the new system defines two parameters: the string (variable s), and the domain (variable d). Example: {l s='Refresh' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}. You use the Back Office, translations, and then choose the theme translation. You find many sub groups, open them according the domain. In modules there is a mess, we can have 4 different scenarios (maybe more? I don't know): a string identical to the theme domain, for example {l s='My alerts' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}, so, this is translated by the theme, under the sub group "Modules". You need to know the name of the module, in this case "Mailalerts", and then you find "Shop". a string slightly different, for example {l s='Message' d='Shop.Forms.Labels'}, in this case we know it is the module "contactform", but it is useless, because you can't find it in the sub group "Modules" like before, instead, the strings are inside the sub group "Shop", then "Forms", then "Labels". Don't ask me why. a string having domain Modules instead of Shop, for example {l s='You have chosen the cash on delivery method.' d='Modules.Cashondelivery.Shop'}. This is the Cash on Delivery module. This time you must not translate the theme, you select the module translation. Again, don't ask me why they decided to put some modules in the theme, and others in the modules translation. Last but not least, a string translated by the module itself, in the old school (Prestashop 1.6 and below), for example: {l s='Account' mod='roy_levibox'}. We find this many times, because modules are old, in this case the Back Office can manage them pressing the button "translate" when you are inside a module (you need to access via "Module Manager"). But sometimes this method is useless too, no matter how much you try, Back Office is not working. You can do two different solutions: you could replace the strings in templates using the new domain system, so you can translate with Back Office. Or, you better translate the module manually! Make a folder "translations" inside the module, then make a PHP file with iso code as name, if you want italian you make "it.php", and inside the file you write all strings according the old syntax, with MD5 and so on (explanations are too long, find them, learn from other modules). Positions where the translations could be, why Prestashop is behaving weird In database there is a table "ps_translation" (prefix could be different), this is the first source where Prestashop takes the strings for your theme (and some modules as well, isn't it?). If you think you are missing some strings, see the comment of Dandry for the SQL injection of new records. Or use PhpMyAdmin, you can see the parameters are:id_lang -> ID language, if you have a fresh install with just one language, it should be "1", always. Else, you find the ID of each language in the table ps_langkey -> Original string to translate, example "Checkout"translation -> Your translation, example "Cassa"domain -> Now you understand what this weirdo is. For example "ShopThemeActions", in your template it is separated by dots "Shop.Theme.Actions".theme -> your theme name, for example "leo_shopsmart". Attention: when you install more themes and you remove them, the records in this table are never deleted accordingly, you can clean the crap manually. The xlf files inside the folder app/Resources/translations/ are the second source where Prestashop takes the strings. If your Back Office is acting weird, you can't find some strings, or your Front Office is never updated, then you can find the strings in these files, and modify them manually. The translations folders inside the modules, this is the old school. Add or modify languages as I described already. You did anything i told you, and your Front Office is still WRONG??? Wait! No panic, Prestashop is making Smarty cache. It was disabled already? Well, don't trust Prestashop, i told you it is weird. Press that blue button "clear cache". Now it should be good. Epico! Expand Hi zod, Have you had success in changing the word 'Contact Us' to 'Contact' (top left hand corner of the classic theme)? I'm having this precise issue and I tried the three methods above but they didn't work. 1. checked the 'translations' table to make sure the translation entry exists 2. checked the files app/Resources/translations/default/ModulesContactinfoShop.xlf and app/Resources/translations/en-us/ModulesContactinfoShop.xlf to change the line <target state="final">Contact</target> 3. Cleared cache via back office (Performance > Clear Cache) and checked the content of the folders: cache/smarty/compile & cache/smarty/cache to see they were empty (just having index.php) Totally agree the current translation scheme is not user friendly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zod Posted June 14, 2020 Share Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) On 6/14/2020 at 12:21 AM, huymanutd said: Hi zod, Have you had success in changing the word 'Contact Us' to 'Contact' (top left hand corner of the classic theme)? I'm having this precise issue and I tried the three methods above but they didn't work. 1. checked the 'translations' table to make sure the translation entry exists 2. checked the files app/Resources/translations/default/ModulesContactinfoShop.xlf and app/Resources/translations/en-us/ModulesContactinfoShop.xlf to change the line <target state="final">Contact</target> 3. Cleared cache via back office (Performance > Clear Cache) and checked the content of the folders: cache/smarty/compile & cache/smarty/cache to see they were empty (just having index.php) Totally agree the current translation scheme is not user friendly. Expand First thing first! When you want to change a string you need to find and analyze the template. In your case your template is this: /themes/classic/modules/ps_contactinfo/nav.tpl So, you open it and you discover the link, and the string involved: <a href="{$}">{l s='Contact us' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</a> You modified the wrong strings, because the real one is in the Global section of your theme. Edited June 14, 2020 by zod (see edit history) 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huymanutd Posted June 14, 2020 Share Posted June 14, 2020 On 6/14/2020 at 8:01 AM, zod said: First thing first! When you want to change a string you need to find and analyze the template. In your case your template is this: /themes/classic/modules/ps_contactinfo/nav.tpl So, you open it and you discover the link, and the string involved: <a href="{$}">{l s='Contact us' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</a> You modified the wrong strings, because the real one is in the Global section of your theme. Expand You got it! Yeah i was looking at the wrong template file under modules/ps_contactinfo/nav.tpl & didn't realise it is overwritten by the nav.tpl in the Global Theme. After changing the two files: app/Resources/translations/en-US/ShopThemeGlobal.en-US.xlf & app/Resources/translations/default/ShopThemeGloba.xlf & clearing cache, I was able to see the change. Thanks heaps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hstrom Posted February 16, 2021 Share Posted February 16, 2021 I had issues in regards to product listings, where "Add to cart" etc wasn't translated. In themes/TEMPLATE/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl the string was "{l s='Add to cart'}". I followed @zod recommendation above - I changed it to: "{l s='Add to cart' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}" and now it works! It seems to be theme related, not PS related... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestaowner20 Posted August 15, 2021 Share Posted August 15, 2021 Hi, you have to change them directly here : You just need to find the correct xlf file in there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manufourc Posted December 17, 2021 Share Posted December 17, 2021 Hi everyone, I noticed that there are strings of characters that cannot be used in translations otherwise they are not saved. Here is the list: %b and % b %c and % c %d and % d %e and % e %f and % f %o and % o %s and % s %u and % u %x and % x Does anybody have the same problem ? PS version : PHP version : 7.3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestavanilla Posted December 19, 2021 Share Posted December 19, 2021 Hi, This has worked for me. In backoffice search the string, click reset then save. This will remove the translation from db. After enter the translation and click save again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WebmasterZv Posted May 6, 2023 Share Posted May 6, 2023 (edited) Hello guys, I had the same issues with translation of contact infos menu in Greek in 1.7.8 Prestashop. During my research i found that the same problem occurs in multiple languages stores especially with Greek, Czech and Polish language. First try from BO to disable cache and clear it right after. Clear your browser's cache also and refresh your store's page. I hope this will work in most cases, if not i will write you what i have done. I made a clean install of 8.0.4 in English language (first i deleted everything from my server, but i kept backup from DB files, like customers, addresses etc.). When i finished with installation i turned off cashe and cleared it (turn it on again only when your store goes live and never before finish with translation and any modules installations, updates etc.). Then i add my second language (Greek). I continued with English as primary and Greek as secondary. Do not install any Theme or any module at this point until to finish with translations. I translated from BO the files and saved them (now the files was saving from BO before they wasn't) but the translation in front store was still buggy. I edited manually the 2 files in public_html/translations "ModulesContactinfoShop.el-GR.xlf" and "ShopThemeGlobal.el-GR.xlf". I cleared browser cache and BOOM worked. Edited May 6, 2023 by WebmasterZv (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlexLopatenco Posted October 11, 2024 Share Posted October 11, 2024 Hi. This is an ongoing problem. I have prestashop installed with PHP 7.4 it was a headache but I found the problem (at least in my case). Maybe it will be of some help to someone. I changed the translation in the Shop parameters -> Traffic & SEO -> SEO & URLs And choose the desired Page that should be translated. (In my case, it was 'My account' and 'Addresses') Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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