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Hi Guys, I am a first timer to Prestashop, coming from Joomla / Virtuemart. I am using prestashop ready, do I need to have a plan before purchasing a template? And when installing the template, does it load as the preview looks, I am still quite lost in the back office, also intend using Cart2Cart migration from Virtuemart. Any bit of advice would help me getting started.


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We are developer prestashop. We think you should choose prestashop. It's very easy and support a lot of functions.

You  can check demo of prestashop: http://demo.prestashop.com/en/?view=front

Or our demo: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/fashion-shoes-templates/44175-youth-fashion-accessories-store.html




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Hi @JoomlaDefector

Welcome to the forum and to PrestaShop.

And let me say first, running a store is never easy. It requires time and dedication and you probably know that

already as you are not new to eCommerce.  Choosing PrestaShopReady so hosted solution take one part of technical maintenance

of server plus support and few other things that let you concentrate on your catalog.


That being said, if you just started trial on PrestaShopReady do concentrate on your workflow first. So create some test categories and products

that match some of your existing products. See maybe how attributes and features work if you need them or customization. I checked your current store and it looks like

you do not need any of these features but just simple product for start.  Check documentation or some free instruction videos if needed.


After that check taxes, carriers and payment methods and try to make test order and see how you would change status of order and make it complete.

This is base of any workflow and if this you can handle easy on daily basis, and PrestaShop should help you,  only then I suggest first migrating data

from Virtuemart  and after that, if all works on deafult theme, purchasing a new paid theme.


Depending on theme and developer and their process you should get same or closely similar  look comparing to demo preview. I mean their job is

to support you to getting same look :)


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I have not used PrestaShopReady lately but think you would not have a problem with that.

When you add your own domain name it will set it as base URL and will auto change all links and image URLs.

It will not change hard coded links you may  have, for example in some cases image link in product description.

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Hello @JoomlaDefector,

Before you custome or use prestashop, you can read guide:


You're  developer, you can read link guide: https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/basics/introduction/

You're a user, you can read link guide: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/Getting+started

When you want buy theme, please contact us. Thanks


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