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Prestashop Theme

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I'm having some trouble with a theme I bought. After I installed Prestashop ,I went right away to the backoffice to install the theme I bought.

I uploaded it to the FTP on Cpanel and then select it to "Import From FTP", and it's showing but on the home page I got a whitescreen, except the shop logo and the shopping cart. Previously, I used a different template, and the 2 of them got a little messed up, so I deleted them both from FTP ( /themes folder) and I reuploaded the later again.

I also cleared cache multiple times but I got the same whitescreen.  

Here is a demo of the template I want to use http://demo.posthemes.com/pos_shopro/layout3/en/furnitured/2-7-blouse.html#/1-size-s/11-color-black

Thank you in advance for your response and sorry for my English :)


Edited by aer24 (see edit history)
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Sometimes, install a theme could be a hard job, specially if your shop have code errors or modifications in the core or by override files, my recommendation is, turn on before the debug mode to see if there is a error interrupting the process, normally all the themes are made base in a fresh PS installation.



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22 minutes ago, softhightech said:


This company is the worst company on Prestashop theme developpement i deal with always problems with it's themes if you are not a developper i don't advice you to buy it's themes.


Good luck

Another advice, try to acquire themes from Addons or developers selling also in Addons, of course this is not the solution to your problems, but its the reduction to many of them. Addons validate malware, code, installation, PS compatibility, security bugs, best practices code and many other things. Envato validate malware, and sometimes, because I have found encrypted code in some items.

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