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Order too big??? Is there a limit?


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hello guys,


we have a Problem in our PS. 1.6 - a customer made a really huge order with over 120 different products with attributes in the cart. The payment and order was no problem. But now we cannot looking into Order Details in BO, just a timeout (Error 524). Also the customer cannot see his Invoice and cannot looking at the frontend into the order details. We cannot generate any Invoice. Also dont see any error in error.log. Is there any limitations for Prestashop about the order Product quantity / quantity size for each order?

If yes, then cannot use PS as Shop Software, just for small orders?

Thanks for help


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It depends on server parameters, could be that memory and max execution time is set to low number. 

If you can share  your server info from  Advanced Parameters >  Configuration Information .

Then maybe with some increase of values you could  see order.

That is big order, good for you :) ,  but PrestaShop should handle that.

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Actually your memory and max execution time are set to really high values.

1GB of memory should be enough and 240 for max execution time. 

What is your hosting and what type of package do you have ?

I did see in front office pages loads so-so but adding to cart is really slow 5-7 sec.


Also do check you database, sort tables by size and see if some are really big.

Opening order page in back office require lot of data. It calls SQL queries that link lot of tables.

Orders, products, carts, vouchers, connections,  so if any is really big  could  be slow.


And from experience with few  e-liquid shops, I know it can be lot of carts and orders, though you do not have that much attributes.

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