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Problem with state in ps_product


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i found in sql filter in product list prestashop that "state = 1" what it used for?

i also found that the id product is jumping, it will looks like 1202, create another product and the id will be 1204 the 1203 will be disappeared. but in the database i found that the id 1203 state = 0

can someone explain what going on? it not happened in 1.6.x


i use right now...


sorry for my bad english. and thanks for replying

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State means "new" vs "second hand".

As for your id's: I don't know. I have one shop that skips one number too each time. It does that for all auto-increase table fields. According to the hosting provider it has something to do with the setup of their database server and its backup.

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@musicmaster the BO of product list query used state = 1, so if the state = 1 is new and state =0 is used item, the product list never show the used item in the list. and you never edit them with backoffice editor. right?


i download fresh install and, i install in local server and trying the prestashop add product. the have bug to make the id jumping. and left state = 0 to product that not listed (as i said state = 0) is not show in the product list

after trying i trying, the problem is gone. so i might must upgrade it to (latest trying failed) to vanish the bug.


for state. i still do not get it why state = 1 must be hardcoded in query... i hope someone can gave some explanation about this

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I had a better look and I see that I was mistaken. State is new for Prestashop 1.7. It is Condition that stands for old or new.

It would be easier to help you if you told us what you know instead of the absolute minimum. Instead of " the BO of product list query used state = 1" you could have shown the whole query and told us exactly where you found it.

The changelog for prestashop is here: https://assets.prestashop2.com/en/system/files/ps_releases/changelog_1.7.5.1.txt

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/5/2019 at 12:26 AM, lifeform said:

i found in sql filter in product list prestashop that "state = 1" what it used for?

State = 0 -> means Temporary
State = 1 -> means Saved


When we hit "Add new product" PS creates a new record on DB (table product) with State = 0 (Temporary) and when we finally hit "Save" it change State to 1 (Saved).

BO doesn't list this (State = 0) in any way.

I only discovery this "problem" because I was creating new Products using API (WebServices)

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