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Automatically add customer to custom group


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Hello, on a PS, I created custom groups for BtoB in France, BtoC in France, customers in UE but not in France, customers not in UE (because VAT rules are differents). But I cannot find how to assign automatically new customers to the right group. I don't find any module to do that. In Location > Zones, I created a zone called Europe (NO UE) and associated all countries not in UE to this zone. The zone Europe contains countries in UE.

The rules must be like that :

- customer with VAT and country = France is assigned to BtoB France

- customer without VAT and country = France > BtoC France group

- customer with zone = Europe but country is not France and no VAT => BtoC UE

- customer with zone = Europe but country is not France and with VAT => BtoB UE

- customer with zone = Europe no UE => BtoC Europe NO UE

- customer with zone is not Europe => groupe EXPORT


How can I do that ?

Thanks a lot for your help

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