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Ciao a tutti,
voglio aggiornare il negozio per dare un nuovo volto al sito.

per prima cosa aggiorno da a, e immediatamente il problema è venuto fuori. Quindi provo ad aggiornare alla versione più recente,, e il problema è ancora lì, con anche un problema in un registro di 1-Click. Un'istanza richiede più volte.
Purtroppo sia localmente che da remoto, appena finito l'aggiornamento con 1-Click, vedo correttamente il sito sia front-end che back-end. ma dal front end, ogni volta che vado in una pagina di prodotto, ottengo l'errore 500: il sito fallisce e elabora la richiesta.
Il server funziona con PHP 7.0.33, tutto sembra funzionare tranne la cosa più importante, le pagine dei prodotti.
Ho già cercato nel forum problemi come questo ma non ho trovato una soluzione al mio problema, ho provato diversi metodi trovati online per ovviare al problema ma senza successo. Usando la modalità di debug ciò che viene fuori è questo:

(1/1) ContextErrorException 

Avviso: indice non definito: richiesta

in 69766f418554540311bbfa80450ab07289a319ac_2.file.socialsharing_header.tpl.cache.php riga 27  
a content_5c7660c67614a8_91112213 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) ) nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123   
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) ) nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114   
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) ) nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_updatecache.php 38   
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateCache -> updateCache ( oggetto ( Smarty_Template_Cached ), oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), false ) nella riga smarty_template_cached.php 143     
a Smarty_Template_Cached -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), false ) nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 211    
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ( false , 0 ) nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 232   
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> _execute ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), null , null , null , 0 ) nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 116      
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> fetch ( null , null , null , null , false , true , false ) nella riga SmartyDevTemplate.php 40         
a SmartyDevTemplateCore -> fetch () nella riga Module 2375   
a ModuleCore -> display ( '/var/www/vhosts/n3tcom.it/motosconti-firenze.it/Test_Nuovo_Sito/modules/socialsharing/socialsharing.php', 'socialsharing_header.tpl', 'socialsharing_header | 3144 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 ' ) nella riga socialsharing.php 186   
su SocialSharing -> hookDisplayHeader ( array ('cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'cart' => oggetto ( Cart ), 'alternato' => 1) ) nella riga Hook.php 966     
su HookCore :: coreCallHook ( oggetto ( SocialSharing ), 'hookdisplayHeader', array ('cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'cart' => oggetto ( Cart ), 'alternato' => 1) ) nella riga Hook.php 351      
su HookCore :: callHookOn ( oggetto ( SocialSharing ), 'displayHeader', array ('cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'cart' => oggetto ( Cart ), 'alternato' => 1) ) nella riga Hook.php 903      
su HookCore :: exec ( 'displayHeader' ) nella riga 555 di FrontController.php   
su FrontControllerCore -> initContent () nella riga ProductController.php 379   
a ProductControllerCore -> initContent () nella riga Controller 335 281   
su ControllerCore -> run () nella riga 511 di Dispatcher.php   

su DispatcherCore -> dispatch () nella riga index.php 28   


Ho anche provato a vedere e modificare i file indicati ma nulla ...

per favore, aiutami ad aggiornare


I was watching that even the home page, despite appearing well, in debug mode brings me many errors:

(1/1) ContextErrorException

Avviso: indice non definito: base_dir

in 9ef69235245f1b2c833bb31ce089e1baa844994a_2.file.blockbanner.tpl.php riga 30
a content_5c766e2d6a2e95_46517089 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ( false , 0 )nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 232
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> _execute ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), null , null , null , 0 )nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 116
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> fetch ( null , null , null , null , false , true , false )nella riga SmartyDevTemplate.php 40
a SmartyDevTemplateCore -> fetch ()nella riga Module.php 2375
su ModuleCore -> display ( '/var/www/vhosts/n3tcom.it/motosconti-firenze.it/Test_Nuovo_Sito/modules/blockbanner/blockbanner.php', 'blockbanner.tpl', 'blockbanner | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 ' )nella riga 106 di blockbanner.php
su BlockBanner -> hookDisplayTop ( array ('smarty' => oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'carrello' => oggetto ( Carrello ), 'alternativo' => 1) )in blockbanner.php linea 111
su BlockBanner -> hookDisplayBanner ( array ('smarty' => oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'carrello' => oggetto ( Carrello ), 'alternativo' => 1) )in Hook.php riga 966
su HookCore :: coreCallHook ( oggetto ( BlockBanner ), 'hookdisplayBanner', array ('smarty' => oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'carrello' => oggetto ( Carrello ), 'alternativo' => 1) )nella riga Hook.php 351
su HookCore :: callHookOn ( oggetto ( BlockBanner ), 'displayBanner', array ('smarty' => oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'carrello' => oggetto ( Carrello ), 'alternativo' => 1) )nella riga Hook.php 903
su HookCore :: exec ( 'displayBanner', array ('smarty' => oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'cookie' => oggetto ( Cookie ), 'carrello' => oggetto ( Carrello ), 'alternativo' => 1), null )nella riga smarty.config.inc.php 165
a smartyHook ( array ('h' => 'displayBanner'), oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga SmartyLazyRegister.php 83
a SmartyLazyRegister -> __call ( 'smartyHook', array ( array ('h' => 'displayBanner'), oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate )) )in 99c6cbc2d2970e48db96462ab4357a495ba53ab7_2.file.header.tpl.php riga 53
a Block_11430978345c766e2d68d638_07906165 -> callBlock ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php 248
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> callBlock ( oggetto ( Block_11430978345c766e2d68d638_07906165 ), oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php 184
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> process ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), object ( Block_11430978345c766e2d68d638_07906165 ) )nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php 156
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> instanceBlock ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'Block_11430978345c766e2d68d638_07906165', 'header_banner')in 99c6cbc2d2970e48db96462ab4357a495ba53ab7_2.file.header.tpl.php riga 26
a content_5c766e2d693e31_13376084 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ()nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 385
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> _subTemplateRender ( 'file: _partials / header.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', 0, 3600, array (), 0, false )in 45d08bce6d4471b9c0069f0888df2fc01a1d0955_2.file.layout-entrambi -columns.tpl.php riga 188
a Block_17472073395c766e2d6461b8_87057082 -> callBlock ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php 248
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> callBlock ( oggetto ( Block_17472073395c766e2d6461b8_87057082 ), oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )in smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php riga 184
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> process ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), object ( Block_17472073395c766e2d6461b8_87057082 ) )nella riga smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php 156
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> instanceBlock ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'Block_17472073395c766e2d6461b8_87057082', 'header' )in 45d08bce6d4471b9c0069f0888df2fc01a1d0955_2.file.layout-both-columns.tpl.php line 62
a content_5c766e2d6519c1_11352375 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ()nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 385
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> _subTemplateRender ( 'layouts / layout-both-columns.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', 0, 3600, array (), 2, false , null ,null )in smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance .php riga 125
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> endChild ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'layouts / layout-both-columns.tpl' )in 2d881f455e8c1a9d3389834b15f11f934b7481d3_2.file.layout-full-width.tpl.php riga 42
a content_5c766e2d63c9a5_95137022 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ()nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 385
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> _subTemplateRender ( 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', 0, 3600, array (), 2, false , null , null )in smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance .php riga 125
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> endChild ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl' )in 6da04fb0df76a455bd8e49c8ce0e6b6d4ab1cb89_2.file.page.tpl.php riga 33
a content_5c766e2d634d31_55835959 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ()nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 385
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> _subTemplateRender ( 'page.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', 0, 3600, array (), 2, false , null , null )in smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php riga 125
a Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance -> endChild ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), 'page.tpl' )nella riga a2289a840278928a4f790db1dae77afac244722f_2.file.index.tpl.php 33
a content_5c766e2d62a265_39834911 ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_resource_base.php 123
a Smarty_Template_Resource_Base -> getRenderedTemplateCode ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_template_compiled.php 114
a Smarty_Template_Compiled -> render ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ) )nella riga smarty_internal_template.php 216
a Smarty_Internal_Template -> render ( false , 0 )nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 232
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> _execute ( oggetto ( SmartyDevTemplate ), null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', null , 0 )nella riga smarty_internal_templatebase.php 116
a Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> fetch ( 'index.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl', null , false , true , false )nella riga SmartyDev.php 40
su SmartyDev -> fetch ( 'index.tpl', null , 'layouts / layout-full-width.tpl' )in FrontController.php riga 682
su FrontControllerCore -> smartyOutputContent ( 'index.tpl' )nella riga FrontController.php 666
su FrontControllerCore -> display ()in Controller.php riga 301
su ControllerCore -> run ()nella riga 511 di Dispatcher.php
su DispatcherCore -> dispatch ()nella riga index.php 28


if you want to see my website the link are:




Hello everyone,
I want to update the store to give a new face to the site.

first i update from to, and immediately the problem came out. Then i try to update to latest version,, and the problem still there, with also a problem in a log of 1-Click. One istance take more times.
Unfortunately both locally and remotely, just finished the update with 1-Click, I see correctly the site both front end and back end. but from the front end, every time I go into a product page, I get error 500 - the site fails and processes the request.
The server works with PHP 7.0.33, everything seems to work except the most important thing, the product pages.
I have already looked in the forum for problems like this but I have not found a solution to my problem, I tried several methods found online to remedy the problem but without success. Using debugging mode what comes out is this:

(1/1) ContextErrorException

Notice: Undefined index: request

in 69766f418554540311bbfa80450ab07289a319ac_2.file.socialsharing_header.tpl.cache.php line 27
at content_5c7660c67614a8_91112213(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123
at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114
at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_internal_runtime_updatecache.php line 38
at Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateCache->updateCache(object(Smarty_Template_Cached), object(SmartyDevTemplate), false)in smarty_template_cached.php line 143
at Smarty_Template_Cached->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate), false)in smarty_internal_template.php line 211
at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(null, null, null, null, false, true, false)in SmartyDevTemplate.php line 40
at SmartyDevTemplateCore->fetch()in Module.php line 2375
at ModuleCore->display('/var/www/vhosts/n3tcom.it/motosconti-firenze.it/Test_Nuovo_Sito/modules/socialsharing/socialsharing.php', 'socialsharing_header.tpl', 'socialsharing_header|3144|1|1|1|1|10')in socialsharing.php line 186
at SocialSharing->hookDisplayHeader(array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 966
at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(SocialSharing), 'hookdisplayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 351
at HookCore::callHookOn(object(SocialSharing), 'displayHeader', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 903
at HookCore::exec('displayHeader')in FrontController.php line 555
at FrontControllerCore->initContent()in ProductController.php line 379
at ProductControllerCore->initContent()in Controller.php line 281
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 511

at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28


I also tried to see and edit the files indicated but nothing ...

please, help me to update

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