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Retrieve $_POST value in ActionCarrierProcess hook

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I've developped a small Carrier module to add delivery options with checkboxes.

I'm displaying the checkboxes with the DisplayCarrierExtraContent hook.

My problem is I don't know how to retrieve the $_POST values from the form. My module hookActionCarrierProcess method is correctly called, but it seems that the $_POST variable is empty (dumping it is showing [ ]). I've tried with Tools::getValue but obviously it returns false too.

When I press the submit button after selecting my carrier and checking some options, it seems that the $_POST values are correctly sent but the server responds with the following HTTP code: 302 Moved Temporarly.  What's weird is that submitting the form does trigger my code from the hookActionCarrierProcess  method.


Why is $_POST value empty when hookActionCarrierProcess  is called ?

Is there another way to send the form values (the checkboxes) to the hookActionCarrierProcess  method ?


I hope I am clear enough.

Thanks a lot for your help





Edited by Lwack
typo (see edit history)
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I ended up overriding OrderController::displayAjaxselectDeliveryOption in my module. From there you can access Tools::getValue('your_value')



// modules/MyModule/override/controllers/front/OrderController.php

class OrderController extends OrderControllerCore {
    public function displayAjaxselectDeliveryOption()
        $cart = $this->cart_presenter->present(
        if ($this->context->cart->id_carrier == Configuration::get('MY_DELIVERY_CARRIER_ID')) {
            // Setting the options here            

        header('Content-Type: application/json');
            'preview' => $this->render('checkout/_partials/cart-summary', array(
                'cart' => $cart,
                'static_token' => Tools::getToken(false),


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