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Error with DB connection - No 500 http header


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Hi there !

We are managing quite a lot of Prestashop websites, as an Agency.

On one of these, I realized a strange behavior of PS (1.6).

When PS has an issue with the DB connection and displays its famous "Link to database cannot be established ..." it fires a 200 OK header.

I assume a 500 error would make more sense and would be more appropriate ? (For instance when you have an uptime tool, it canno't detect that your website is actually down).

Is there a way to change this?


Thank you in advance for your feedback!


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14 hours ago, Presta Bucket said:


You can check inside config/settings.php to see the db link, name, user and password.

It might search for the database in the wrong location.


Best regards

Hello Presta Bucket,

Sorry for being a bit rude but... did you really read my original post?

I didn't say I'm not able to connect to the DB! Just trying to figure out, when for instance Mysql is down, why is PS sending a 200 OK answer...

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16 hours ago, CocciNet said:

Hello Presta Bucket,

Sorry for being a bit rude but... did you really read my original post?

I didn't say I'm not able to connect to the DB! Just trying to figure out, when for instance Mysql is down, why is PS sending a 200 OK answer...

We are sorry, we understood wrong your question. We will try to test this tomorrow and try to find a solution. You want a 500 error to be triggered when you are not able to connect to the DB, right?

Best regards

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Thank you very much for your new answer.

Yes I think a 500 error would be more appropriate in case of DB connection issue. (As it is the case for all other CMS we're using).

Triggering a 500 error allows Uptime Robots to spot and report that something is going wrong.

Thank you for your support!


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  • 3 months later...

Hi again!

Forget it - it is probably a common issue with this PS version.

I managed to fix it by changing line 102 of /classes/db/DbPDO.php

From : 

die(sprintf(Tools::displayError('Link to database cannot be established: %s'), utf8_encode($e->getMessage())));


throw new PrestaShopException('Link to database cannot be established:'.$e->getMessage());



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