To solve this "Google Webmaster problem" it will be better (for all of you) to have a look at PrestaShop GitHub Classic theme, where most of these problems have been already solved.
The most important thing is here (around line 80):
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="" class="invisible"> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="{$currency.iso_code}" /> <meta itemprop="price" content="{$product.price_amount}" /> </div>
You can add url and avaibilty too:
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="" class="invisible"> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="{$currency.iso_code}" /> <meta itemprop="price" content="{$product.price_amount}" /> <meta itemprop="url" content="{$product.url}" /> <link itemprop="availability" href="{$product.seo_availability}" /> </div>
Here is my pull request for this:
Search for the "itemprop" in the latest classic theme and you can find more of these and where to add them.
I do NOT recommend add this in offers:
<meta itemprop="review" content="{$product}"/> <meta itemprop="name" content="{$}"/>
review - A review of the item!
Offers are described here:
name - is already specified in product.tpl file:
{block name='product_name'} {if $page.page_name == 'index'} <h3 class="h3 product-title" itemprop="name"><a href="{$product.url}" itemprop="url" content="{$product.url}">{$|truncate:30:'...'}</a></h3> {else} <h2 class="h3 product-title" itemprop="name"><a href="{$product.url}" itemprop="url" content="{$product.url}">{$|truncate:30:'...'}</a></h2> {/if} {/block}