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Website Language


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Hi Moodi

Yes, that is possible. There is a module called Language block, you can install that module and then install the language you wish to have on the site. 

To install a new language:

 - Log in to your PrestaShop backoffice
- On the menubar, click Localization, and then click Translations.
- Under Add / Update a language, use the list box to select the language you would like to add.

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Thanks for your reply. If above instructions done, the the customer visiting the webpage can choose which language he needs. What will be exactly translated? Is the translation based on an input I put or its like google translate? Since sometimes automatic translation is not accurate.



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Yes, that is correct.

By default, all default expressions wil lbe translated - and no, its not like Google translate. As for product titles, texts, cateogry descriptions etc- you would have to translate them yourself.

But stuff such as, "Add to cart", "Go to cart", "New products" etc. will all be translated. If there are any missing translations, you will be able to translate them yourself easily.

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