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Getting customer details and shipping details for specific order.

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Hi All,

I'm trying to get customer details and shipping address after the orders are processed from selective carts. I've got the cart Id to start with. But I'm having difficulty retrieving the customer's first name, last, name and shipping address. I've tried the following so far.

$cart_id = $value['cart_id'];
$result = false;
$order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int)($cart_id));
$order_details = OrderDetail::getList((int)$order);
if(isset($order_details[0])) {
    $order_id = $order_details[0]['id_order'];
    $customer = new Customer ($order_id);
    if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {

The above code is giving me the entire customer object. But I'm not sure how to get the firstname, lastname, address and email from it.

Appreciate you taking out time for this.



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I solved this. The following is my solution.

$cart_id = $value['cart_id'];
$result = false;
$order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int)($cart_id));
$order_details = new Order((int)($order));
$delivery_details = new Address((int)($order_details->id_address_delivery));
$customer = new Customer((int)($delivery_details->id_customer));

I was able to get customer details like email etc with $customer and delivery details like firstname, lastname, phone, address, etc with $delivery_details


P.S : this thread can be closed (i think.) as long as nobody wants to add a new answer.



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  • 3 years later...

Hello Bhagirath

i gonna try this in a different task i am working on it, i am setting up the google enhanced conversion

and i am doing it like this :


$phoneNumber = (!empty($delivery_address->phone) ? $delivery_address->phone : $delivery_address->phone_mobile);




var enhanced_conversion_data = {

    "email": prestashop.customer.email,

   "phone_number" :'<?=$phoneNumber?>'





all this variable reference coming from google



if u can help me to find the address and the phone number for the customer after their purchase  i will really appreciated


please let me know



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