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SearchX - show only relevant search results, remove too many products from search results


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I've just published a new module, that changes the default behavior of prestashop search mechanism from OR to AND.

It filters out non-relevant products from search results, this way your customers will find what they are looking fore more easily and qiuckly.

Removing unwanted products also improves your shop's performance, reduces number of database queries and the final load time of search pages.

Note: This is not a separate search module, it changes the default prestashop search mechanism (by an override), so it works out of the box, no need to adapt anything to any theme.

Compatible with Prestashop 1.6 & 1.7.

More info about the module here: SearchX - relevant prestashop search results

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The theme doesn't matter, as it only changes the default built in search mechanism.

It's compatible with 1.6 & 1.7. It filters out products not matching all of the words in a search phrase, so it gives you that "exact match" effect, but it's not exactly that (cause you can set up prestashop to also search in parts of words).

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