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PS 1.7.5 | Checkout - Register with Address - Guests Problem


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Hello together,

I am currently working on our Checkout-Process.
We already implemented a new first step where customer can choose if he wants to register or not and then comes to Second (old First Step) with just the Info guest_allowed true or false.

Now I want the customer to be able to save an address in the customer-form. 

So I edited the CustomerForm.php and CustomerFormatter.php file to diplays those fields and safe the address.

Everything works fine but one thing:

If I want to go to checkout as guest and enter the data, I am redirected to step 1 after submitting.
All the data is saved correctly (I see Customer as guest with address in BO) and it seems like no Error is thrown (added a die() in CheckoutProcess if function hasError is called).


And if I try to do the same step again without clearing cookies and try to continue as guest it's successful but both addresses are shown. I really really don't know where I am redirected to step 1 (seems like all steps are incomplete then).


As I said: This only happens if I try to checkout as guest with fresh cookies (with no previous attempt to "register").


About some tips I would be really happy. Even if those are just tips where too look ;)


Best regards,


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