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Show combination name under price in product list

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Hi there,

What i want is something simple i guess. Looked up for all over the internet but couldn't find an answer.

So, i just want to display the combination's name related to the price displayed in product list, categories, home blocks (all the places where the products are shown, except for the product page itself).

Example: in products lists, we have "blocks" where we can see the product's image, name and price, and i want to show the combination name after the price, this way:

(combination name)

Example 1:
(10 seeds)

Example 2:
(5 seeds)

I want that my visitors could see for WHAT the price showed is for. Is there a simple way to do that?? 


Using PS
PHP 7.0
Theme Revo


Thanks :)

Edited by reinoplantae (see edit history)
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this is an interesting area, while a lot of ps'ers focus on how to show attribute types on produclist and while that is a nice to have another important focus should be on productlilst drill down, i.e. show my sizes, colors, other attributes within a productist.

this is accomplished via faceted search module that is included with PS.  as prodlist is valuable space we normally recommend modifying 'filteres' to run horizonal on prodlist page...so then we can have 4 products per row.....left col is not for links that take people to 'other areas' of shop,  new/propular/visited...stop doing that lol.

for me as visitor a listing of  products in a category are seldom 'all' relevant' so i want the capability easily drill down the list to products that meet my needs, i.e. size, color. (less so price)....etc.

the #1 focus on any page is presenting relevant visitor information...other suggestions is for products with or even without attributes one can modify the add to cart  to pop up the 'quick view', there visitor can select att's when exist, add to cart but more importantly continue shopping in the category they are interested in.  This creates a perfect storm for increasing number of prods added to cart....priceless.

happy selling, el

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thank you guys, i really appreciate your interest in this!!

actually I already have a "product list attributes" module which shows a dropdown/popup with all the product's attributes and the visitor can even add to cart, ok. But what i want is something much more simple than that. For example, for those products that doesn't have attributes (only one single price) i want the "attribute name" related to that price showed right after (under) the price... only the attribute name for simple and quick conference, and not a dropdown add-to-cart list or something like that (i have this function already). Maybe some simple .tpl modification??

Edited by reinoplantae (see edit history)
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