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I was never satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 - it just doesn't work properly and I wanted to improve it. I have added ajax support and changed its behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column (which I also described here) in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping" feature, which we have to investigate:

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - "delayed shipping" block does not disappear - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:         } else {
1012:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1013:         }
1011:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>

There is also a need to force page refresh after product "add to cart" action in cart summary page (shopping-cart.tpl) to make it work properly, since PS 1.6 does not support ajax for this action on cart summary page.

Best regards,





I never was satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 and I wanted to improve it. I have added ajax support and changed its behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column (which I also described here) in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping" feature, which we have to investigate:

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - "delayed shipping" block does not disappear - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:         } else {
1012:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1013:         }
1011:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>

There is also a need to force page refresh after product "add to cart" action in cart summary page (shopping-cart.tpl) to make it work properly, since PS 1.6 does not support ajax for this action on cart summary page.

Best regards,




I wasn't satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 and I wanted to improve it a little bit. I have added ajax support and changed the behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping":

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - "delayed shipping" block does not disappear - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:         } else {
1012:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1013:         }
1011:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>

There is also a need to force page refresh after product "add to cart" action in cart summary page (shopping-cart.tpl) to make it work properly, since PS 1.6 does not support ajax for this action on cart summary page.

Best regards,




I wasn't satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 and I wanted to improve it a little bit. I have added ajax support and changed the behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping":

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - "delayed shipping" block does not disappear - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:         } else {
1012:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1013:         }
1011:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>



Best regards,




I wasn't satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 and I wanted to improve it a little bit. I have added ajax support and changed the behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping":

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:         } else {
1012:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1013:         }
1011:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>



Best regards,




I wasn't satisfied with the native behaviour of "delayed shipping" feature in PS 1.6 and I wanted to improve it a little bit. I have added ajax support and changed the behaviour a little bit. Previously I have modified the behaviour of AVAILABILITY column in shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, so it shows (STOCK quantity) and (ON REQUEST quantity, which is in fact (CART - STOCK) quantity) now.

Now, we have a several cases regarding the "delayed shipping":

1) All products in cart have no stock (stock quantity <= 0) in the cart -> delayed shipping not appearing (in native PS it was appearing which was wrong) = works OK -> https://streamable.com/guvfv

2) All products in cart have positive stock (stock quantity > 0) -> delayed shipping appears when the cart quantity exceeds stock quantity - works OK -> https://streamable.com/3v7kh

3) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting out_of_stock products form the cart - works OK -> https://streamable.com/r3ipf

4) Products in cart have both positive stock (stock quantity > 0) and no stock (stock quantity <= 0). I'm deleting in_stock products form the cart - DOES NOT WORK - need some help here -> https://streamable.com/zeyff

Code modifications:

File: \classes\Cart.php (or you could an override) -> I have added 2 functions, which are counting in_stock nad out_of_stock products in the cart

public function countOOSProducts()
        $product_out_of_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] <= 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_out_of_stock;

    public function countISProducts()
        $product_in_stock = 0;

        foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
            if ((int)$product['quantity_available'] > 0
                    && (!$ignore_virtual || !$product['is_virtual'])) {
        return $product_in_stock;

I have added new variables to summary array() to pass them into front files, so the new array() looks like this:

$summary = array(
            'delivery' => $delivery,
            'delivery_state' => State::getNameById($delivery->id_state),
            'invoice' => $invoice,
            'invoice_state' => State::getNameById($invoice->id_state),
            'formattedAddresses' => $formatted_addresses,
            'products' => array_values($products),
            'gift_products' => $gift_products,
            'discounts' => array_values($cart_rules),
            'is_virtual_cart' => (int)$this->isVirtualCart(),
            'product_in_stock' => $this->countISProducts();,
            'product_out_of_stock' => $this->countOOSProducts();,
            'total_discounts' => $total_discounts,
            'total_discounts_tax_exc' => $total_discounts_tax_exc,
            'total_wrapping' => $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_wrapping_tax_exc' => $this->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING),
            'total_shipping' => $total_shipping,
            'total_shipping_tax_exc' => $total_shipping_tax_exc,
            'total_products_wt' => $total_products_wt,
            'total_products' => $total_products,
            'total_price' => $base_total_tax_inc,
            'total_tax' => $total_tax,
            'total_price_without_tax' => $base_total_tax_exc,
            'is_multi_address_delivery' => $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() || ((int)Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1),
            'free_ship' =>!$total_shipping && !count($this->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors)),
            'carrier' => new Carrier($this->id_carrier, $id_lang),

File: \themes\your_theme\js\cart-summary.js -> I have modified function updateCartSummary(json) a little bit by adding following code:

// Definition of variables, which will store the quantity exceeding 'stock quantity' in shopping cart
886:   var OosProducts = 0;
887:   var OosProductsTotal = 0;

// Definition of the variable storing text, which is apearing while product is out_of_stock and ordering is allowed
921:     var available_later = product_list[i].available_later;

// Display quantity exceeding stock quantity in shopping cart
991:     OosProducts = parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available);
992:     if (OosProducts > 0) {  
993:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html(available_later +  ' (' + quantity + ': ' + OosProducts + ')');
994:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).show();
995:       //$('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).html('On request - avg. completion time: 60 work days (Quantity: ' + OosProducts + ')');
996:     }
997:     else {
998:       $('#outofstock_availability_' + key_for_blockcart).hide();
999:     }
1000     OosProductsTotal += (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity) - parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available));

// 'delayed shipping' behaviour
1007:   if (parseInt(product_list[i].quantity_available) > 0) {
1008:     if ((OosProducts-OosProductsTotal > 0 || OosProducts > 0) && (OosProducts == OosProductsTotal) || (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal < 0) || OosProducts > 0 && (OosProducts !== OosProductsTotal)) {
1009:           $('.allow_seperated_package').show();
1010:           $('.allow_seperated_package').css({'color':'white', 'background-color':'orange', 'padding':'10px', 'display':'inline-block'});
1011:           $('.allow_seperated_package2').text('(' + OosProducts + ') ' + '- (' + OosProductsTotal  + ') -> ' + '(' + (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal) + ')');
1012:         } else {
1013:           $('.allow_seperated_package').hide();
1014:           $('.allow_seperated_package2').text('(ELSE' + OosProducts + ') ' + '- (' + OosProductsTotal  + ') -> ' +  '(' + (OosProducts-OosProductsTotal) + ')');
1015:         }
1016:   }

File: \themes\your_theme\shopping-cart.tpl -> I have modified the "delayed shipping" code:

638:     <p class="allow_seperated_package" {if ($show_option_allow_separate_package && {$product_in_stock} > 0)}style="background: orange; padding: 10px; display: inline-block;"{else}style="display: none;"{/if}>
639:       <input type="checkbox" name="allow_seperated_package" id="allow_seperated_package" {if $cart->allow_seperated_package}checked="checked"{/if} autocomplete="off"/ >
640:       <label for="allow_seperated_package" class="checkbox inline">
641:         {l s='Send available products first'}
642:       </label>
643:     </p>



Best regards,

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