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"This functionality has been disabled" for prestashop module and services

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12 hours ago, NemoPS said:

Any module or just specific ones? WHat's your PrestaSHop version?

Thanks for your reply.

My prestashop version is, basically, a message show "This functionality has been disabled."  for all modules and a pop up message of "Notice on line 722 in file /var/www/vhosts/amieetcopain.com/httpdocs/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php
[8] Use of undefined constant _PS_MODE_DEMO_ - assumed '_PS_MODE_DEMO_'"




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On 2/16/2019 at 9:46 PM, NemoPS said:

Make sure a file named defines.inc.php is in the config/ folder. If not, copy it from a clean zip file of your version. In any case, you might have to copy it over if ti's corrupted/outdated

Yes, the file of defines.inc.php in the config/folder. 

Do you have any idea? Thank you.

By the way, the superadmin can't edit all the configure 😭



Edited by amieetcopain
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