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[FREE] Best Zoom Magnifier Effect - BAZoom Magnifier


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Allow customer magnify product images when hover on desktop or tap on mobile phone on every pages. Perfect Work On Mobile, Tablet and any Browser


Merchant Benefit

  • Improve conversions on your Prestashop Store
  • Zoom product images with a nice effect on your store
  • Making a product display clean, crystal, nice

Main Features

  • Zoom Product Images on Product Detail, Quickview
  • (Optional) Zoom Product Images on multiple pages as: Category, Search, Special, Best Seller, New Products page., Best Seller Block, New Products Block, Popular Block
  • Fully responsive image zoomer, Work for Mobile, Tablet and smaller devices
  • Separate Zoom Effect on Mobile or Desktop
  • Include 5 effects on Desktop: Lens, Lens Square, Box Zoom Left, Box Zoom Right, Sniper Zoom; 3 effects on Mobile/Tablet: Lens, Lens Square, Sniper Zoom
  • Multiple types of zoom
  • Multiple languages, multiple store
  • Simple Setting, Easy Use: Just Install, enable/disable options from Backoffice for using, without writing a single line of code.
  • Separate settings for mobile devices
  • Improved responsive design to naturally fit your page better than ever.
  • Faster loading and image rendering give the best performance yet.
  • Full customize for your styles, your prestashop store

Some Screenshot for Preview Frontend








Some Screenshot for Preview Backoffice


Customer Benefit

  • Magnify images to judge the fabric, material quality, make and manufacture of the product.
  • Zoom Magnifier Effect help customer aware of what they are about to receive.


  • Free Download Link: Download
  • If you have any questions, we are ready to work for help you

Change log

Released version 1.0.11
- fix zoomfixs.js for choose combination, for multiple themes

Released version 1.0.12
- fix zoomfixs.js for open modal when click, change document.ready to window.load

Released version 1.0.13
- compatible to Prestashop 1.7.7+

Released version 1.0.17
- fix Security report
- add .htaccess file in root of module
- change Tools::jsonEncode to json_encode, json_decode

UNZIP_FIRST_BAZoomMagnifier_v.1.0.17.zipFetching info...

Edited by tdsoft
update Change log (see edit history)
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Hi @razaro our store does not have a directlty to ZIP file because it is security, there are Paid module & free module

you can view many modules in https://www.prestashop.com/forums/forum/144-free-modules-themes/

Many developer posted module include link to download page.

We read: "The alternative is any other link as soon as it is pointing to your module or theme and you are an active contributor of the community (at least 100 posts in the forums)."

Prestashop Forums disallow "especially misleading links or links to a marketplace home page"

Our link is openned download page, not Home page. So I think it is good.


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I never received a dl link either. I agree with the moderator that it would be great if you had a dl link here in the topic.

but thank you, my order id was:



And when i go to that url now it tries to force me to sign in. I did not make an account.

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@tdsoft   it is not opened download page as it require login. But that is your choice. You saw users have issue with that.

  On 2/15/2019 at 10:04 AM, tdsoft said:

Our link is openned download page, not Home page. So I think it is good.




@sunny  You had good intentions but you do not have right to offer other peoples work, even it is free module. So link removed.

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  On 2/15/2019 at 7:50 PM, sunny said:

I never received a dl link either. I agree with the moderator that it would be great if you had a dl link here in the topic.

but thank you, my order id was:



And when i go to that url now it tries to force me to sign in. I did not make an account.


Your order create on Feb 13, We actived this order, Order since Feb 14 is automatic downloaded

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  On 2/15/2019 at 7:50 PM, sunny said:

I never received a dl link either. I agree with the moderator that it would be great if you had a dl link here in the topic.

but thank you, my order id was:



And when i go to that url now it tries to force me to sign in. I did not make an account.


@sunny @razaro

Because your order created on Feb 13, when our service is maintaince, now it is automatic download.

Also we post FREE our module on anywhere, many forums

So We want keep module on ONE place in our store, So when we upgrade our module, We only upgrade it in ONE place and all customer always can upgrade it to LATEST version


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Prestashop Forums disallow "especially misleading links or links to a marketplace home page"

Homepage = a page list products which contain FREE module

But now our page is Detail Product Download page.
Also we attached ZIP file at this post for customer can Directly download it if they want SAVE time, is it okay?

Edited by tdsoft (see edit history)
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  it is not opened download page as it require login. But that is your choice. You saw users have issue with that.

>> Customer can checkout as guest because our store have Free module + Paid module.

Also Download is AUTOMATIC, some customer can not downloaded it before Feb 13 because our hosting is maintaince. Now Download is AUTOMATIC

Edited by tdsoft (see edit history)
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  On 2/16/2019 at 11:52 AM, capi666 said:



When I try to configure in the admin panel, appear an error in PS 1.7:


How can solved it?


Thanks in advance,




It's a PHP error ...

To correct it, open the file baproductzoommagnifier.php

On line No. 582 you can see ->

$ product = "";

Just below, insert a new line with the following code:

$ product = array ();

I should load the configuration for you.


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  • 2 months later...


thank you for great module. It works great, but is causing problem with javascript on my site. Basically product containers lost responsive function. When I disable module, everything gets normal. Any idea? 

Thank you 


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  On 5/9/2019 at 8:48 AM, Tomascap said:


thank you for great module. It works great, but is causing problem with javascript on my site. Basically product containers lost responsive function. When I disable module, everything gets normal. Any idea? 

Thank you 



Please open a ticket for get our support, please give us ftp account + your site to view that issue

our developer can check it

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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/24/2019 at 3:42 AM, tdsoft said:

@yvantankeu you can open modules\baproductscarousel\views\templates\front\js.tpl

Remove jQuery loaded from our module

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>



I've only baproductszoommagnifier in the folder modules/ the isn't baproductscarousel. 

Insite modules\baproductscarousel\views\templates\front\ the isn't js.tpl but template.tpl, and the isn't <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> to remove. So help please

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  • 3 months later...
  On 9/23/2019 at 2:24 PM, 911636_1508423853 said:


this module is interesting and I am looking for a different feature: zoom in like Google Map.

Is it possible with this module?
Do you know any module that allows to zoom in at different levels like Google Map?



Hi, our module does not have zoom feature like google map, you can try to use our demo for know this module

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thank you for this great module


i noticed that after installing the module it is automatically enabling quick view for mobile 

which does interfere with the zoom functionality


how can i disable to automatically enable quick view on mobile ?

Screenshot from 2019-09-24 17-27-08.png

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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/24/2019 at 6:11 AM, yvantankeu said:

I've only baproductszoommagnifier in the folder modules/ the isn't baproductscarousel. 

Insite modules\baproductscarousel\views\templates\front\ the isn't js.tpl but template.tpl, and the isn't <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> to remove. So help please


I have the same problem.

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@Sleeep if you are using bazoommargi.

it is file: baproductzoommagnifier\views\templates\front\template.tpl

Code loaded jQuery

	var linkjq = "{$jquery|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}";
	if (!window.jQuery){
		var jq = document.createElement("script");
		jq.type = "text/javascript";
		jq.src = linkjq;
		console.log("Added jQuery!");
	} else {
		console.log("jQuery already exists.");

$jquery sent from PHP file: baproductzoommagnifier.php line 276

$jquery = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/baproductzoommagnifier/views/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js';
        $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'views/css/zoomple.css');
        $zoomple = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/baproductzoommagnifier/views/js/zoomple.js';
        $this->context->smarty->assign('zoomple', $zoomple);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('jquery', $jquery);


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  On 11/1/2019 at 3:50 AM, tdsoft said:

@Sleeep if you are using bazoommargi.

it is file: baproductzoommagnifier\views\templates\front\template.tpl

Code loaded jQuery

	var linkjq = "{$jquery|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}";
	if (!window.jQuery){
		var jq = document.createElement("script");
		jq.type = "text/javascript";
		jq.src = linkjq;
		console.log("Added jQuery!");
	} else {
		console.log("jQuery already exists.");

$jquery sent from PHP file: baproductzoommagnifier.php line 276

$jquery = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/baproductzoommagnifier/views/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js';
        $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path . 'views/css/zoomple.css');
        $zoomple = __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/baproductzoommagnifier/views/js/zoomple.js';
        $this->context->smarty->assign('zoomple', $zoomple);
        $this->context->smarty->assign('jquery', $jquery);



not working... and have error on top site.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/18/2020 at 10:37 PM, Fred64640 said:

Hello, thank you for the module which looks great, unfortunately I use a theme where there is a francy box module, I uninstall the francy box module and install your module but unfortunately it does not work I don't know why if i can have some help thanks


Please send a private message or open a ticket and give us FTP account + admin account

Our developer can check this issue for you

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Awesome module !!!.


I have an issue. After installing quick view button appears on all products on home page. Normally it appears after mouse hover. Now it stuck.  Back to normal after module delete :(  I have attached little clip.


PS: Is there a chance zoom work on resized imaged? ( On product page it works perfectly. But when i click image it will be bigger and no zoom then :) )


Just asking :)


Best Wishes

Edited by jacekgabor (see edit history)
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Hi, I am testing your '[Free] Best Zoom Magnifier Effect - BAZoom Magnifier' and I have found an issue: After install, the magnifier works perfectly. When I get to a product that has combinations, the magnifier works well, but after I click on a combination the magnifier stops working when I move the pointer over the image nothing happens, and the standard fancybox of Prestashop shows up again. I tested it in Prestashop and Any ideas? 

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  On 3/5/2020 at 11:10 AM, Roberto_SP_2015 said:

Hi, I am testing your '[Free] Best Zoom Magnifier Effect - BAZoom Magnifier' and I have found an issue: After install, the magnifier works perfectly. When I get to a product that has combinations, the magnifier works well, but after I click on a combination the magnifier stops working when I move the pointer over the image nothing happens, and the standard fancybox of Prestashop shows up again. I tested it in Prestashop and Any ideas? 


Hi, we tested 1.7 to 1.7.6 in classic theme, it works

I think your theme has issue for this, we responsed your ticket. Please work at there

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Hi, thanks for replying. I am afraid the Magnifier module also fails in 1.7 classic theme. I checked your 1.7 Frontoffice demo at:


And as in my case (and other cases here in this thread) the first time you enter the page, it works, but when you click on a different dress colour (combination), after about 2 seconds (time Prestashop changes the image linked to that colour) the Magnifier disables and does not work any more until you refresh the page. Try it.

I have tried this module with 2 different themes and it has the same issue. By the way, not many stores use Prestashop's Classic theme... keep that in mind.

Many thanks for you response!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/6/2020 at 10:08 AM, Roberto_SP_2015 said:

Hi, thanks for replying. I am afraid the Magnifier module also fails in 1.7 classic theme. I checked your 1.7 Frontoffice demo at:


And as in my case (and other cases here in this thread) the first time you enter the page, it works, but when you click on a different dress colour (combination), after about 2 seconds (time Prestashop changes the image linked to that colour) the Magnifier disables and does not work any more until you refresh the page. Try it.

I have tried this module with 2 different themes and it has the same issue. By the way, not many stores use Prestashop's Classic theme... keep that in mind.

Many thanks for you response!


We will fix this in latest version

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  • 2 weeks later...


works fine on multiple pictures when change size or color, but does not let you pick other pictures from thumbnails (list of pictures under main picture).

When mouse is on thumbs, displays zoom of main picture, so you cant select thumbnail..

There should be an option "NO ZOOM ON THUMBNAILS".

Please check images attached and inform about.




1 zoom.jpg

2 zoom.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/3/2020 at 9:44 AM, giormur said:


works fine on multiple pictures when change size or color, but does not let you pick other pictures from thumbnails (list of pictures under main picture).

When mouse is on thumbs, displays zoom of main picture, so you cant select thumbnail..

There should be an option "NO ZOOM ON THUMBNAILS".

Please check images attached and inform about.




1 zoom.jpg

2 zoom.jpg




Is there a way to fix this?! I want to use this module but i´m afraid i´m put it the website and can´t remove it. I don´t know anything about programming.

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  On 4/19/2020 at 10:31 PM, José B. Neves said:



I have a question, the zoom is not working in all of the category products. I have it checked for all the categories and sub categories.


Example of where it doesn´t work:




 please send a private message and give us a ftp+admin account for check this issue

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the same thing happened to me -> I downloaded the last version of the module and tried to install it on prestashop -> and I received an error message saying:

This file does not seem to be a valid module zip

please advise how to go on...thanks

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  On 4/22/2020 at 1:04 PM, tomdebeyer said:


the same thing happened to me -> I downloaded the last version of the module and tried to install it on prestashop -> and I received an error message saying:

This file does not seem to be a valid module zip

please advise how to go on...thanks


Hi, you must UNZIP UNZIP_FIRST_BAZoomMagnifier this file downloaded, you will find correctly module at there

module name: baproductzoommagnifier_v1.x.x.zip

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First and foremost: thanks for this great module!

I installed it and see on console that it throws warnings. The reason is this line:

    if ((src == baproductzoom_cover_img_old) && noevent == false) {
        return false;

Is this part needed or it can be removed? The warning message on console contain text "false" and reference to the part of code you see above.

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  On 4/22/2020 at 1:04 PM, tomdebeyer said:


the same thing happened to me -> I downloaded the last version of the module and tried to install it on prestashop -> and I received an error message saying:

This file does not seem to be a valid module zip

please advise how to go on...thanks


I installed it on without issues. The downloaded zip file is called "UNZIP_FIRST_BAZoomMagnifier.zip". Did you unzip it first and then tried to install the zip that is inside?

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Hi, this is an amazing plugin, unfortunetly on my theme, when the plugin is activated, the home slider dissapears, and on the console i get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).flexslider is not a function
    at custom.js:92
    at dispatch (core.js:39)
    at g.handle (core.js:39)


I'm using prestashop 1.7.5 
Thank you

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  On 4/28/2020 at 8:56 PM, Aldo López said:

Hi, this is an amazing plugin, unfortunetly on my theme, when the plugin is activated, the home slider dissapears, and on the console i get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).flexslider is not a function
    at custom.js:92
    at dispatch (core.js:39)
    at g.handle (core.js:39)


I'm using prestashop 1.7.5 
Thank you


for your issue, can you give us in private message:
1. admin account + FTP account.
we can check this issue for help you.
If you need any our support. We are always ready to work.

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