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Redirect category URL to an other site url

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I created a site inside prestashop, with the CMS.

I have a category: COLORS, and inside that, i have more categories: red, yellow, blue ...
I have this category COLORS in the horizontal top menu, when i HOVER the cursor on COLOURS, in the horizontal top menu I can see the "red, yellow, blue ..." but if I click on COLOURS i go to the big category products, but I want to go the new site I created with CMS.

I mean, I want to change the URL from a category, but not the friendly-url, I need to change WHERE GOES when I click on COLOURS, not the URL when I click on Colours.

Sorry for the explanation.


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Hi Adrian,

You can update the .htaccess file with apache redirects but that is complicated and if not done correctly can be lost if .htaccess file is regenerated.  One of the handiest tools for shop managers is a redirect manager module.  Here is list from addons

One problem with modules in that  category (please check) do not record/display the number of times a redirect is executed or date/time last executed.  One customer has https://addons.prestashop.com/en/url-redirects/21428-redirections-manager-manage-301-302-and-404-urls.html but it does not record date/tiime last executed.  Customer has over 9k of rewrites associated to module but it can auto solve somr 404 issues and reduce product admin time.

==== htaccess 

you can place rewrites in your .htaccess, here is search for generators that will help you build rewrite statements.

Happy PrestaShopping

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