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Extremely slow TTFB after moving to new webserver


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Hi there! 

I'm currently building a webshop, and after building it on VPS #1, I moved it to VPS #2 and #3 for High Availiablity.


However a few things are now broken, that we're not broken on the first webserver. And I can't figure out why:

1. Loading time is extreme (30s or more, most of the time is spent waiting for the first byte (TTFB))

2. Images in the shop don't load, at all.

3. The backend constantly shows the "Invalid token" error. Making it impossible to edit settings there.


I'm running Debian 9 with Apache2, MariaDB (with master-master replication) and PHP 7.0.33 on both servers. Webdata is shared via a replicated gluster volume on a private link between the two VPS's 


I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!

Edited by nullr0ute
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