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TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save message

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im getting the technical error while clicking the payment option , in update of prestashop1.4.0.15 .

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save message

Error thrown: [object XMLHttpRequest]
Text status: error

please help me...


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  • 3 weeks later...

the same technical error is appear in the fresh install of prestashop1.4.0.17.
1.login using email and password
2.added the product to cart
3.enter the leave a message
if i type message and then click the tab twice,the error wont appear.

but i type the message and click the payment option the alert is displayed as technical error

please help to solve this..

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Hi, same problem here.
As far as I saw, running prestashop in debugger, it seems the "error" is triggered when the cursor is still inside the textarea field, and you click on any link that loads another page.
If I understood well, the comment is updated dynamically through an ajax call, the call is triggered when the field loses focus.
Two results are possible for this call : success and error. It seems the "error" handler is called immediatly when you click on any link that loads another page, even if the comment is being save correctly.
For the time being I temporarilly solved the problem by changing the code this way, in themes/[yourtheme]/js/order-opc.js
around line 610 :
Original code :

           error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
           alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save message \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus);

my code :

           error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
                  alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save message \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus);

when this particular error triggers, the "errorThrown" is "undefined", so I just prevented the alert to be displayed in that case.

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  • 4 weeks later...

the error appear only when the cursor in inside the text field and you clik on the link for payment.

to solve this, you can just bring the "terms of service" tickbox after the 'leave a message".

i will try it and let you guys know about the outcome

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