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Fabien Pittier

Fabien Pittier

Régénération du certificat SSL n’a pas résolu le problème


J'avais mon site web qui fonctionnait à partir du thème "classic" prestashop

J'avais modifié des modules et ai ensuite crée mon propre thème sur prestabuilder.com 

Suite à cela j'ai une erreur 500, j'ai donc recherché des solutions sur internet et j'a trouvé comme possible problème qu'il faudrait que je regenère mon certificat SSL.  Chez moi la régénération de mon certificat SSL n’a pas résolu le problème.

Voici les erreurs lorsque j'active le debug mode:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
SmartyCompilerException in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48:
Syntax error in template "module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl" on line 48 "<!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->" unclosed {if} tag
in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unclosed {if} tag') in smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php line 134
at Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler->doCompile('<!-- begin /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->{assign var=_counter value=0} {function name="menu" nodes=[] depth=0 parent=null} {if $nodes|count} <ul class="top-menu clearfix" {if $depth == 0}id="top-menu"{/if} data-depth="{$depth}"> {foreach from=$nodes item=node} <li class="{$node.type}{if $node.current} current {/if}" id="{$node.page_identifier}"> {assign var=_counter value=$_counter+1} <a class="{if $depth >= 0}dropdown-item{/if}{if $depth === 1} dropdown-submenu{/if}" href="{$node.url}" data-depth="{$depth}" {if $node.open_in_new_window} target="_blank" {/if} > {if $node.children|count} {* Cannot use page identifier as we can have the same page several times *} {assign var=_expand_id value=10|mt_rand:100000} <span class="pull-xs-right hidden-md-up"> <span data-target="#top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggler collapse-icons"> <i class="material-icons add">&#xE313;</i> <i class="material-icons remove">&#xE316;</i> </span> </span> {/if} {$node.label} </a> {if $node.children|count} <div {if $depth === 0} class="popover sub-menu js-sub-menu collapse"{else} class="collapse"{/if} id="top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}"> {menu nodes=$node.children depth=$node.depth parent=$node} </div> {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} {/function} {if isset($headerStyle) and ($headerStyle eq '4')} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 position-static"> <div class="row"> <div class="menu col-lg-8 col-md-7 js-top-menu position-static hidden-sm-down col-lg-8 col-md-7" id="_desktop_top_menu"> {menu nodes=$menu.children} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->') in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 283
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->compileTemplate(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_template.php line 197
at Smarty_Internal_Template->compileTemplateSource() in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 155
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(object(Smarty_Dev_Template), null, null, null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 60
at Smarty_Dev_Template->fetch() in Module.php line 2279
at ModuleCore->fetch('module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl') in ps_mainmenu.php line 1425
at Ps_MainMenu->renderWidget('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 900
at HookCore::coreRenderWidget(object(Ps_MainMenu), 'displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 861
at HookCore::exec('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart)), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 168
at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 474
at content_5c522a51228c50_10121639(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 144
at content_5c522a5129eb07_54392644(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl', object(SmartyDev), false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 41
at SmartyDev->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl') in FrontController.php line 660
at FrontControllerCore->smartyOutputContent('index.tpl') in FrontController.php line 644
at FrontControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 225
at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 369
at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28

lien de mon site web:


Merci d'avance pour votre aide et ne pas hésiter à me demander plus d'informations si je ne suis pas assez précis. 

Fabien Pittier

Fabien Pittier

changement nom titre


J'avais mon site web qui fonctionnait à partir du thème "classic" prestashop

J'avais modifié des modules et ai ensuite crée mon propre thème sur prestabuilder.com 

Suite à cela j'ai une erreur 500, j'ai donc recherché des solutions sur internet et j'a trouvé comme possible problème qu'il faudrait que je regenère mon certificat SSL, ce que j'ai donc demandé à mon hébergeur (OVH, et je ne pense pas que cela va résoudre le problème car mes erreurs semblent un peu différentes)

Voici les erreurs lorsque j'active le debug mode:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
SmartyCompilerException in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48:
Syntax error in template "module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl" on line 48 "<!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->" unclosed {if} tag
in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unclosed {if} tag') in smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php line 134
at Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler->doCompile('<!-- begin /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->{assign var=_counter value=0} {function name="menu" nodes=[] depth=0 parent=null} {if $nodes|count} <ul class="top-menu clearfix" {if $depth == 0}id="top-menu"{/if} data-depth="{$depth}"> {foreach from=$nodes item=node} <li class="{$node.type}{if $node.current} current {/if}" id="{$node.page_identifier}"> {assign var=_counter value=$_counter+1} <a class="{if $depth >= 0}dropdown-item{/if}{if $depth === 1} dropdown-submenu{/if}" href="{$node.url}" data-depth="{$depth}" {if $node.open_in_new_window} target="_blank" {/if} > {if $node.children|count} {* Cannot use page identifier as we can have the same page several times *} {assign var=_expand_id value=10|mt_rand:100000} <span class="pull-xs-right hidden-md-up"> <span data-target="#top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggler collapse-icons"> <i class="material-icons add">&#xE313;</i> <i class="material-icons remove">&#xE316;</i> </span> </span> {/if} {$node.label} </a> {if $node.children|count} <div {if $depth === 0} class="popover sub-menu js-sub-menu collapse"{else} class="collapse"{/if} id="top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}"> {menu nodes=$node.children depth=$node.depth parent=$node} </div> {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} {/function} {if isset($headerStyle) and ($headerStyle eq '4')} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 position-static"> <div class="row"> <div class="menu col-lg-8 col-md-7 js-top-menu position-static hidden-sm-down col-lg-8 col-md-7" id="_desktop_top_menu"> {menu nodes=$menu.children} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->') in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 283
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->compileTemplate(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_template.php line 197
at Smarty_Internal_Template->compileTemplateSource() in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 155
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(object(Smarty_Dev_Template), null, null, null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 60
at Smarty_Dev_Template->fetch() in Module.php line 2279
at ModuleCore->fetch('module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl') in ps_mainmenu.php line 1425
at Ps_MainMenu->renderWidget('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 900
at HookCore::coreRenderWidget(object(Ps_MainMenu), 'displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 861
at HookCore::exec('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart)), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 168
at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 474
at content_5c522a51228c50_10121639(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 144
at content_5c522a5129eb07_54392644(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl', object(SmartyDev), false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 41
at SmartyDev->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl') in FrontController.php line 660
at FrontControllerCore->smartyOutputContent('index.tpl') in FrontController.php line 644
at FrontControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 225
at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 369
at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28

lien de mon site web:


Merci d'avance pour votre aide et ne pas hésiter à me demander plus d'informations si je ne suis pas assez précis. 

Fabien Pittier

Fabien Pittier


J'avais mon site web qui fonctionnait à partir du thème "classic" prestashop

J'avais modifié des modules et ai ensuite crée mon propre thème sur prestabuilder.com 

Suite à cela j'ai une erreur 500, j'ai donc recherché des solutions sur internet et j'a trouvé comme possible problème qu'il faudrait que je regenère mon certificat SSL, ce que j'ai donc demandé à mon hébergeur (OVH, et je ne pense pas que cela va résoudre le problème car mes erreurs semblent un peu différentes)

Voici les erreurs lorsque j'active le debug mode:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
SmartyCompilerException in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48:
Syntax error in template "module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl" on line 48 "<!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->" unclosed {if} tag
in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 48
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unclosed {if} tag') in smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php line 134
at Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler->doCompile('<!-- begin /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->{assign var=_counter value=0} {function name="menu" nodes=[] depth=0 parent=null} {if $nodes|count} <ul class="top-menu clearfix" {if $depth == 0}id="top-menu"{/if} data-depth="{$depth}"> {foreach from=$nodes item=node} <li class="{$node.type}{if $node.current} current {/if}" id="{$node.page_identifier}"> {assign var=_counter value=$_counter+1} <a class="{if $depth >= 0}dropdown-item{/if}{if $depth === 1} dropdown-submenu{/if}" href="{$node.url}" data-depth="{$depth}" {if $node.open_in_new_window} target="_blank" {/if} > {if $node.children|count} {* Cannot use page identifier as we can have the same page several times *} {assign var=_expand_id value=10|mt_rand:100000} <span class="pull-xs-right hidden-md-up"> <span data-target="#top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggler collapse-icons"> <i class="material-icons add">&#xE313;</i> <i class="material-icons remove">&#xE316;</i> </span> </span> {/if} {$node.label} </a> {if $node.children|count} <div {if $depth === 0} class="popover sub-menu js-sub-menu collapse"{else} class="collapse"{/if} id="top_sub_menu_{$_expand_id}"> {menu nodes=$node.children depth=$node.depth parent=$node} </div> {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} {/function} {if isset($headerStyle) and ($headerStyle eq '4')} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 position-static"> <div class="row"> <div class="menu col-lg-8 col-md-7 js-top-menu position-static hidden-sm-down col-lg-8 col-md-7" id="_desktop_top_menu"> {menu nodes=$menu.children} <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- end /home/interestfn/www/themes/yellowred/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl -->') in smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php line 283
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->compileTemplate(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_template.php line 197
at Smarty_Internal_Template->compileTemplateSource() in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 155
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(object(Smarty_Dev_Template), null, null, null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 60
at Smarty_Dev_Template->fetch() in Module.php line 2279
at ModuleCore->fetch('module:ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl') in ps_mainmenu.php line 1425
at Ps_MainMenu->renderWidget('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 900
at HookCore::coreRenderWidget(object(Ps_MainMenu), 'displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 861
at HookCore::exec('displayTop', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Dev_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart)), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 168
at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayTop'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 474
at content_5c522a51228c50_10121639(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in 196d372bf3188e4957db7c34954587cf999fdc1e.file.index.tpl.php line 144
at content_5c522a5129eb07_54392644(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl', object(SmartyDev), false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 41
at SmartyDev->fetch('index.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-full-width.tpl') in FrontController.php line 660
at FrontControllerCore->smartyOutputContent('index.tpl') in FrontController.php line 644
at FrontControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 225
at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 369
at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28

lien de mon site web:


Merci d'avance pour votre aide et ne pas hésiter à me demander plus d'informations si je ne suis pas assez précis. 

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