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Can't retrieve custom form data in OrderController


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Hi all,

I'm struggling for days now on how to retrieve my custom field 'delivery-date', displayed in CheckoutDeliveryStep of Front Office, in OrderController.

I have tried to get it in OrderController#postProcess function by doing: Tools::getValue('delivery-date') but it doesn't return any value (i.e it returns false).

I have also tried to do print_r($_POST) in this same function but it prints an empty array which is super weird since in chrome's developer tools under network tab I can see the data posted...

Your help would be very much appreciated :)


Edited by sdrissi (see edit history)
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Here's a bit more details (prestashop version

I override in my theme shipping.tpl:

{extends file='parent:checkout/_partials/steps/shipping.tpl'}}

{block name='delivery_options'}
    <div class="delivery-options">
        {foreach from=$delivery_options item=carrier key=carrier_id}
            <div class="row delivery-option">
                <div class="col-sm-1">
                      <span class="custom-radio float-xs-left">
                        <input type="radio" name="delivery_option[{$id_address}]" id="delivery_option_{$carrier.id}" value="{$carrier_id}"{if $delivery_option == $carrier_id} checked{/if}>
                <label for="delivery_option_{$carrier.id}" class="col-sm-11 delivery-option-2">
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="col-sm-5 col-xs-12">
                            <div class="row">
                                {if $carrier.logo}
                                    <div class="col-xs-3">
                                        <img src="{$carrier.logo}" alt="{$carrier.name}" />
                                <div class="{if $carrier.logo}col-xs-9{else}col-xs-12{/if}">
                                    <span class="h6 carrier-name">{$carrier.name}</span>
                        <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
                            <span class="carrier-delay">{hook h='displayDelayDelivery'}</span>
                        <div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-12">
                            <span class="carrier-price">{$carrier.price}</span>
            <div class="row carrier-extra-content"{if $delivery_option != $carrier_id} style="display:none;"{/if}>
                {$carrier.extraContent nofilter}
            <div class="clearfix"></div>

As you can see I use the displayDelayDelivery custom hook and the code injected is the following:

    <strong>Livraison: </strong>
    <select name="delivery-date" id="delivery-date">
            {foreach from=$available_delivery_dates item=$date}
                    <option value={$date.date}>{$date.label}</option>

When the user validate the carrier, there is a POST request made to OrderController, I expect to retrieve 'delivery-date' field in OrderController:


class OrderController extends OrderControllerCore {
    public function postProcess()


        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitReorder') && $id_order = (int) Tools::getValue('id_order')) {
            $oldCart = new Cart(Order::getCartIdStatic($id_order, $this->context->customer->id));
            $duplication = $oldCart->duplicate();
            if (!$duplication || !Validate::isLoadedObject($duplication['cart'])) {
                $this->errors[] = $this->trans('Sorry. We cannot renew your order.', array(), 'Shop.Notifications.Error');
            } elseif (!$duplication['success']) {
                $this->errors[] = $this->trans(
                    'Some items are no longer available, and we are unable to renew your order.', array(), 'Shop.Notifications.Error'
            } else {
                $this->context->cookie->id_cart = $duplication['cart']->id;
                $context = $this->context;
                $context->cart = $duplication['cart'];

But print_r($_POST) returns an empty array...

Edited by sdrissi (see edit history)
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