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[Solved] Center Main Title in Editorial Block

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Hi All,

I am sure this is simple to the CSS/HTML [spam-filter]'s out there - but how do I center the Main Title text on the home page. I guess it is in the editorial block. Can someone tell where and what code to put in. Soemthing like this I assume text-align:center; - but I cant find where to change it.

The closest I got was to change all title text to center - I just want the main title text to be centered.

Thanks in advance,

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what version of presta are you working with? the easy, painless way with 1.4 in the /modules/editorial/editorial.tpl file.. change

   {if $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}{/if}


{if $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}
   {elseif $editorial->body_title}{$editorial->body_title|stripslashes}{/if}

applied inline stye of text-align:center to the

title tags
the sam can be done for whatever version in the editorial.tpl file

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OK - I tried replacing the text as suggested and it removed the text altogether. There is a file difference between your version (1.4x) and my 1.37. (To quote a song when I upgrade in the future...."there maybe trouble ahead")

Any way my current problem - here is my editorial.tpl contents.

<!-- Module Editorial -->

   {if $xml->body->home_logo_link}body->home_logo_link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$xml->body->$title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}">{/if}
       {if $homepage_logo}body->$title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}" />{/if}
   {if $xml->body->home_logo_link}{/if}
   {if $xml->body->$logo_subheading}
   {if $xml->body->$title}{$xml->body->$title|stripslashes}{/if}
   {if $xml->body->$subheading}{$xml->body->$subheading|stripslashes}{/if}
   {if $xml->body->$paragraph}{$xml->body->$paragraph|stripslashes}{/if}

<!-- /Module Editorial -->

I added the inline text after the H1 openeing tag and it work - so thanks :)

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