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Error 500 in backend after migration


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Hello, I have a problem with accesing admin page affter migration.

I migrated my shop to another hosting and domain. I backed up database, uploaded files via FTP, set PS_SHOP_URL in database, cleared smarty cache folder and so on and in frontend everything works well. But when I try to access backend, I get error 500 and in the adress line in browser there is ...index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=55ee1f9abdbf7f810099c9b510a01133

I haven't found any solution across the forum. Does anybody know?

Thanks a lot.

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Hello david-k,

Please follow the below mentioned steps

1) Once in the PrestaShop root folder, double click the folder named config and then open the file named defines.inc.php for editing.
Find the line of code below:
/* Debug only */ define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);

2) Change the 'false' to 'true' and then click the Save Changes button to save and activate the change. The changed line should read as follows:
/* Debug only */ define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


After that, try again to navigate BO of your shop. You must see the error. Then share it here.

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Hello, thank you for your help. I've solved the problem - I compared technical features between the old hosting and the new one, and the new one had newer version of PHP.

I switched PHP from 7.x to 5.4 version as it was on the old hosting and than everything goes well.

Best regards

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